A Moment with Donna….The Unseen Shadow
The day is alive with vibrancy of spring. Here in the Pacific Northwest rhodies have buds ready to let loose their glorious colors, woodpeckers are migrating in as are the hummingbirds, and the early morning air is alive with the songs of robins and other birds. The forests are alive with activity. The sounds remind one of a busy Saturday morning market.
During this past week, between reading the many pieces of publications that cross my desk, conversations with various people, and viewing various documentaries, the shadow side of life was quite visible.
I am an optimist because I chose to be. The other options including indifference, is not preferred. However, one must remain alert to that shadow side as it does exist and it affects all of us at one time or another, in one way or another.
Easter is just around the corner. It celebrates death and life. Cultures throughout the world have celebrated the changing of seasons for thousands of years. Why? Because…the Yin/Yang of life is always with us. Change is ever present and there are times we need to be reminded to never give up hope.
We human beings have the remarkable ability to take what seems to be the ugliest, badest, most heartbreaking of circumstances, and reshape/reframe them into something beautiful, useful, and powerful expressions of good. Many times that reframing, reshaping of that which is horrific, disastrous, takes time, yet with consistency, discipline, effective applied effort, positive change and result evolve.
Just a few days ago I learned about a drone designed to replant areas of land with trees denuded by fires, clear cutting, etc. One drone can plant 100,000 seedlings in a day. This is one company’s option to bringing back those carbon dioxide hungry trees that create so much of the beauty we love, supporting thousands of other compatible life forms that make this blue planet of ours so special. Trees/plants love the carbon dioxide, inhaling it, and then processing that which is poisonous to us, into life-giving oxygen.
It has been my observation that the shadows of life are part of a balancing act. Without shadow – no light… no light – no shadow.
Spring is here. The dreariness of winter has released its shackles and it is time to renew objectives and perspectives. This is a great time to pressure wash the windows of your mind, scrub away fears, doubts and apprehensions, to see clearly opportunity, hope, and the redesigning/expansion of your dreams. This is the time to reboot your system, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Oh, and by the way, do take time to smell the roses, as the old saying goes. Count your blessings and they will chase the shadows away.
Have a magnificent spring!
Donna Seebo