A Moment with Donna…Challenges, Challenges, Challenges
As I am putting together this editorial commentary, a peace-loving country is fighting for its very existence. You are probably aware of the conflict going on in the Ukraine at this time.
Challenges…they are always present. For almost 3 years the focus has been on Covid around the world. Anything and everything else took a backseat positioning. During these years powerful assaults by Mother Nature hit countries around the world, and here in the United States, we have gotten slammed as well. Floods, fires, volcanoes erupting, droughts and so much more, made us aware of her dynamic and forceful presence. She reminds us not to take her for granted anywhere on this planet.
In the past few days, we have watched via modern technology, the attempt to take over a free country by a bigger force that wants to relive/revive a presence of domination and oppression we thought ended with World War II. The videos being shown reminded me of the Russian oppression of Hungary. The rest of the world stood by at that time, allowing Russia to capture and oppress Hungary with their regime of Communism.
Last week, a woman, 104 years old, seen in her bed in the Ukraine said, “I survived the Nazi’s…now, it is the Russians.
However, the world and technology has changed significantly since World War II. Now, with smart-phones and social media, people are seeing in real time what is happening and processes are moving forward on multiple levels to assist the Ukrainians, unlike similar situations in the past.
People around the world are turning out by the thousands, speaking up and demonstrating. In Russia they are being arrested and put in jail. Internationally the threat to the free world is definitely being recognized.
Those demonstrating in Russia don’t want to go backwards to the old regimes of Stalin and the KGB, whose policies supported the toxic devastation of their country’s people and their economies. Those past memories are still very much in their psyche’s.
As an American, I feel deeply for the Ukrainian’s and their commitment to preserving their rights and freedoms. As a first generation of an immigrant father, I am well aware of the challenges and changes people go through when they migrate into a new country, culture, and language. As a broadcaster and counselor, I have met and interviewed hundreds of individuals and their families who have given up everything for the opportunities and choices that freedom offers. They are well aware that freedom is not free and there are always challenges to be faced.
I am including a link to a video that was sent to me regarding innovation and the concerns being brought forward regarding an industry that could have a huge impact on the future of transportation around the world. As with any innovation, working with the positives, as well as the negatives, requires a different approach and process of thinking that wasn’t of concern in the past.Perhaps you, or someone you know, will come up with a solution.
???????????https://www.science.org/content/article/millions-electric-cars-are-coming-what-happens-all-dead-batteries. Submitted by U.W., Washington
Empowering ourselves by education, active engagement, we can develop healthier environments that can benefit all forms of life and living conditions. We are recognizing that what happens in different parts of the world affects us in one way or another. Technology has enabled us to see, to perceive that the old system of separation and isolation don’t serve us well. We are a global community and each of us, as individuals and collectively, make a huge difference if we pay attention. Fear should not be our motivator. Positive intention with purposeful action should be the focus.
Spring is at our doorstep. Warmer temps are slowly but surely coming our way, plus longer daylight hours. This is the perfect season to air out past fears, open up those inner windows of self to let the freshness of new ideas and opportunities to flow into our lives.
Let that inner light of your uniqueness shine brightly. Who knows…you may have someone who wonders at your positive light, asking you what your magic formula is. Illuminate the way for others by being your true-self…You do make a difference you know.
?Have a magnificent March!
Love, Donna Seebo