A Moment with Donna…Among the Giants - 2022
What a phenomenal year 2021 was…and today is the first day of the New Year 2022. What is it going to bring us in opportunity, challenges, innovation, cultural changes in belief systems, and so much more? We’ll have to ask ourselves what roles we will choose to experience, and how we want to be present with the changes that are evolving.
As I was preparing this commentary, I had a vivid memory pop into my head. It was when I was in the Giant Sequoia’s National Park located in Northern California. Those amazing trees, thousands of years old, created an atmosphere of peace and power that goes into one’s soul. Their beauty, size and strength of presence, quickly humbles one. I recall how I just wanted to be still and hear their stories. After all, they have withstood centuries of earth disturbances, destruction by man, Mother Natures PMS moments and much more.
Through all of this chaos, the challenges they faced enabled them to build defense mechanisms to survive the worst of them. Some perished, yet many survived. They inspired me, in my mind, to recognize an epitome of truth and that is…it takes guts, pluck, patience, persistence, and effort to live life. To live life to one’s greatest capacity.
There is no utopia, no magic wand that will magically transform the school of living experiences into one’s perceived idea of perfection. No…the true awareness has to do with the recognition that living life is the magic and we are the magic wands. Sounds a little contradictory, doesn’t it?
To discover the power of that magic wand within yourself, you have to accept another aspect of reality. You have to earn it. No shortcuts either.
It has been very disappointing to me how the primary focus that has been feeding the attitudes and actions of all too many people is fear. We have ancestors who have lived through far worse conditions, yet we are so unwilling to pay attention to how they managed, like the Sequoia’s to not only survive, but contribute to the betterment of society and quality of life overall.
So, the question is…How can you set your course for the New Year? What agenda will you direct? What tools will you employ? What questions do you need to ask yourself to become aware of your heartfelt purpose? Hm,m,m,… asking these kinds of questions forces one to think. Hopefully deeply.
Why find a quiet space of time and environment in the first part of this New Year to reflect, giving yourself the freedom, without critical judgement, to be honest with yourself about that which means the most to you. Give yourself the gift of being present with yourself, being unafraid of recognizing past mistakes, seeing them as your teachers, learning the lessons and moving forward with the knowingness you are a work in progress.
At the end of every daily program I say, ‘You are the Master of Your Fate, the Captain of Your Soul’. I choose that quote because it is true. You are a human being and unlike other species we share the planet with, we have the capacity of choice. Choice gives flexibility, adaptability, opportunity to explore, expand, to innovate for ourselves and the environment around us. Quite amazing when you think about it.
Greet this year with an open mind and heart. Kick fear into the ethers, and take charge. Light up this year with demonstrations of moving forward into 2022 with clear-eyed optimism and make a difference.
Happy New Year everyone.
Love, Donna Seebo