If A Mom Does OnlyFans, Can She Still Volunteer At School?
Here is your basic story. Victoria Triece, who I believe is 33 years old now, creates content on OnlyFans. She also happens to have two kids, and she likes volunteering at their school, Sand Lake Elementary. That appears to be in Orlando. In 2023, she filed a lawsuit against the school district, because she was blocked from volunteering at school due to her adult content — which, and you just love to laugh at this one, another mom snitched to the school on her for.
Well, the wheels of justice turn slowly, and in late January 2025 — about a year and a half after the filing — a judge in Florida came down on the side of the school district, but he basically tried to escape the morality wars around this topic. Instead, he sided with the school district because the volunteering forms don’t have any specific language around who can volunteer and/or how to appeal if you cannot volunteer. So the judge went on semantics and wording (nice), and kinda waded out of the bigger picture here.
For her part, Triece has said she feels “isolated,” and I guess I can understand that.
This brings up maybe a couple of things for me. The main one would be that there is not necessarily any correlation between “does adult content” and “shouldn’t be inside a school.” While I would admit we do have more predatory females these days, or so it seems, not everyone who sends tit/feet pics to broken young men would be a nuisance at the diarama table. I think it should be case-by-case. If Triece had caused problems, then don’t let her volunteer.
My sneaking guess on this one is that a cohort of moms didn’t like a well-endowned blond woman around at school activities, so they whispered about her doing OnlyFans, and then someone actually found it. That’s my guess.
Plenty of people have been canned from a job at this point because of OF, and honestly, Triece didn’t lose a paid gig — she lost a chance to volunteer at school. Brianna Coppage did lose a paid gig, and there’s been some similar arguments about her online. Again, I kinda think this stuff is case-by-case.
In the Coppage case, if the school district pays her shittily enough that she needs more income to live, and OF is one source of that income, so be it. If she tries to fuck a dad at band practice, that’s the dad’s issue (and his wife). I don’t think that’s a “school district” thing. And if she tries to do something with a kid, arrest her and toss her in jail. But she should still be allowed to teach until the dam breaks.
Meanwhile, up in Canada, they let convicted murderers do school volunteering, so there’s that.
I’ve written about this a bunch, but obviously the OF ecosystem is very tied to “males spend money, women do things.” Well, a lot of men are broken these days, and I think many would admit that. As men are broken and maybe paying more into OF, which apparently is bigger by revenue than the NBA (or maybe the stat is that creators got paid more than all NBA players last year), well, let women exploit that. It’s not the best thing in the world, but if it is their choice and no trafficking is involved, so be it. You can make more doing that, often, than sitting in some hellhole cubicle for weeks of waiting for an email telling you what to do.
Just because a woman supports herself in that way — I don’t think it should preclude her from volunteering at her kids’ school.
Do you?
The other thing I always find funny about these discussions is that the guys who are the loudest online about destroying this woman and how “never around my kids” would try to sleep with her in a New York cocaine heartbeat if they could. Facts there.
Full-Stack Software Engineer skilled in Python, PHP, and C#. Creative storyteller with expertise in graphic design and instructional design.
1 周Well, when women lose the option to vote and to do other jobs, volunteering and OnlyFans may be the only choices for them in America in the near future.
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1 周The Puritan Culture is the next wave of repression from the conservative bunch.
It's just me
1 周One, it’s Florida. Two, the political climate has become reactionary and in hypocritical ways. It would be funny if the judge and husbands of the women that ratted her out watch only fans. Maybe this just exemplifies how undeveloped people are. We’ve become a nation of stuck folks easily led for others purposes and benefits.
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