Mom-and-pops vs big brands a war is coming

Mom-and-pops vs big brands a war is coming

“Brave men rejoice in adversity, just as brave soldiers triumph in war.” — Lucius Annaeus Seneca?

In today’s newsletter:

  • Mom-and-pops vs big brands the war is coming
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Marketing businesses has always sucked. You need to know what to say, how it should look, and who to show it to and that is just not easy.

Well, Pinterest is asking the question, ‘How can we simplify the how it looks portion?” They’re releasing an AI text-to-image generation process for background images.

They’re testing it with some ad partners.

These naturally sent my brain down a rabbit hole. Product brands are going to get more competitive—a war to remember. Before a mom-and-pop shop with a great product and poor marketing couldn’t produce quality photos or labels at an affordable price.

That won’t be the case soon. They can take a bad photo and have AI give it a facelift.

They can create a bad label and AI will become less bad. Sure, I think true creativity will come from the creative brand wizards. But this gives them a leg up they never had before.

Plus more people are moving to buy local. To keep funds circulating in their communities longer.

I’m really hoping that shopping gets turned on its head in the next 20 years. How fun would that be?!


Text-to-image Diffusion Models in Generative AI: A Survey

Takes a look at the challenges and limitations of text-to-image models. Topics covered:

  • Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DPM)
  • Score-based Generative model(SGM).
  • Classifier-free guidance.
  • Stable diffusion: a milestone work on latent space.

Read more.

Spend less on data entry. DM for details.


Something to watch


