Modules and Packages

Modules and Packages

Everyone gets confused between all these Functions, Modules, and Packages.

Just see this Image…….We understand that Package contains a collection of modules and a module contains a collection of Functions.

Thus, we can say Functions are the subset of modules and Modules are the subset of Packages.


A module is a Python file with a .py extension that can be imported into another Python program.

The name of the Python file becomes the module name.

The module contains:

1)?definitions and implementation of classes?


3)?functions?that can be used inside another program.

Advantages of modules :

  • Reusability: Working with modules makes the code reusable.
  • Simplicity:?provides a simple way to organize program components into a system; grouping similar forms of code into a module makes code easier to understand.

To create a function —?A function is defined using the def keyword

1. Creating a Module

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In this program, we have created 4 functions for adding, multiplying, subtracting, and division. Saving this file as

2. Importing a Module

Importing the function using?the import statement and typing the name of the module

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