Module 3- Implement Security on Azure Synapse
Swapnil Mule
Data Engineer | Azure Data Factory | Azure Synapse | Databricks | SQL | Spark | SnowFlake | Power BI | AxiomSL
Implement Data Masking
In this module, we're going to go through how to implement data masking. We'll do this by going through what data masking is, as well as going through how it can be implemented in a Synapse environment. Let's get started.
Understanding Data Masking
So what is data masking? Data masking, also known as data obfuscation, is the process of hiding the original data to secure classified information. And some of this classified information are things like Social Security, salary, credit card details, and much more. And Azure Synapse has its own form of data masking called dynamic data masking. So what is dynamic data masking? The purpose of dynamic data masking is to limit the exposure of sensitive data by preventing users who do not have access to the data from viewing it. This gives you the ability to specify how much is revealed. Seeing that we've talked through some other security features in Azure Synapse, you might be wondering, can we use dynamic data masking with encryption or even other features we will talk about in this course? The answer to that is yes. Dynamic data masking works with other Azure Synapse security features like auditing, encryption, and row?level security, and it's recommended to use them together to better protect your sensitive data. So how do you enable dynamic data masking? You can enable it directly from the Azure portal or from the Synapse Studio using T?SQL statements.
Types Of Dynamic Data Masking
Now that we have a better understanding of what dynamic data masking is, let's go through some of the different types of data masking options we have. First, we have the default option, which allows you to perform full masking on a field, meaning the entire field will be masked with four Xs. But that does not necessarily mean that there are only four characters in each field. Exactly how many characters there are, well, you never know that unless you have the correct privilege to view the data. The next data masking option we have is email, and what this does is, as you can probably tell, mask your email address. And this is useful when you look into mask-specific sections of your email address. So what this masking does is expose the first letter of an email address and mask everything after that and then expose the at symbol, and then it masks everything after that, which could be .com, .edu, or whatever the suffix of your email address is. With this masking option, you don't really know for sure if it's an or, or some other email server.
The next option we have is the random masking option, and this is used to mask numeric fields like a salary column. So you see here we have a salary of 65,000, and what you do is add the function that says random, and you get to pick the range between the random digits that it's going to spit out to you. So over here I have a range between 1 and 8, and the mask can come out to 6. Obviously, in this case, I probably want to have an even wider range so it looks as similar to a salary as possible. But from here, from this example, you can get a sense of how random data masking works. And the last option we have here for data masking is a custom string, and this allows you to specify how many characters you would like to mask in a specific word. So if I had a name like David, this has five characters, and I want to make sure I leave the first and the last letter unmasked. And to do this, my masking function will look something like this, where I specify partial masking with one character at the beginning, a specific amount of Xs to show in the middle, and then one character at the end. You notice that the Xs and the mask output don't match the number of characters in the name. So if you look closely here, I have four Xs in the middle, as well as the two Ds at the beginning at the end, making six characters, but really, David is five characters. So these are the little things with data masking that throws whoever is viewing the data that does not have the right privilege to. So even if they try to make educated guesses, they will still end up wrong.
Hand-on: Enabling Dynamic Data Masking In Azure Synapse
Please use the below code for Hand-on
--AdventureWorksLT Table, get from github -
FROM [Sales].[Customer]
--Create TestUser
--Grant TestUser the permission to select data on Sales.Customer Table
GRANT SELECT ON Sales.Customer TO TestUser
--View the table as TestUser
FROM [Sales].[Customer]
--Allow TestUser to view the data unmasked
--Remove permission to view unmasked data
--- View all masked columns
SELECT, as table_name, c.is_masked, c.masking_function
FROM sys.masked_columns AS c
JOIN sys.tables AS tbl?
? ? ON c.[object_id] = tbl.[object_id]
WHERE is_masked = 1;
--Clean Up
DROP User TestUser
We are now at the end of this module. Let's take a look at what we've learned so far. We started by getting a good definition of data masking. We then mentioned the data masking option in Azure Synapse called Dynamic Data Masking. We got to know how it works and went to use it, and we then went through how to implement it in the Azure Synapse environment by going through some of the different masking options available. In the next module, we're going to go through another means of securing your data in Azure Synapse, and this is through row?level encryption and column?level encryption. See you in the next module.