Module 2: Let's meet scooter! & Workshop or scootshop?
Hey ppl, we had a Wednesday live event to talk about our Module 2: Let's meet scooter. That was our first experience with live event platforms. Thats was a good test.
We commemorated the #6?ubat earthquakes
aantbee collective content production about safe micromobility is an effort to suggest a new way of transportation. Hope the eleven cities will build with this kind of eco-friendly, safe and sustainable mobility options.
Our first module is a-a-n-t-b-e-e intro!(article link) It delivers the power of interactive, 360 degree Cinema8 capabilities. Video link
Here is Module 2 video link! In February, we work on each scene when we convert them into vertical video format. You can watch 'm in our social media channels.
And we plan to deliver a workshop in February. You're or the young ppl around you welcome to register: link
Stay sustainable!
(Looking for more? here is our vision statement.aalphaa ver01)