Modular Monolith Application Development Tutorial: Part 1; "Creating the Initial Solution"
Follow the Get Stared guide to create a new layered web application with the following configuration:
You can select the other options based on your preference.
Please complete the Get Stared guide and run the web application before going further.
The initial solution structure should be like the following in ABP Studio's Solution Explorer:
Initially, you see a ModularCrm solution and a ModularCrm module under that solution.
An ABP Studio module is typically a .NET solution and an ABP Studio solution is an umbrella concept for multiple .NET Solutions (see the concepts document for more).
ModularCrm module is your main application, which is a layered .NET solution that consists of several packages (.NET projects). You can expand the ModularCrm module to see its packages:
We've created the initial layered monolith solution. In the next part, we will learn how to create a new application module and install it to the main application.
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