Modesty makes the message more memorable
Peter Anderson - Write Right
Helping you say about you, what people who need you, need to hear | Website content | Customised Blogs I Case Studies | Testimonials | Solutioneer
One of the lessons I have learned is that in writing, I must forget myself, what I am writing is not an example of my work for people to recognise. When people listen to music be it pop or classical, some can recognise who wrote the music sometimes from just a few chords, or fine art painting by the brush strokes or the way the clouds are painted. With copywriting that is not the case, rather than trying to reflect ourselves and our work we must take on the cloak of our client.
What we are being asked to do is to provide a piece of work which forms part of a greater whole and all the elements of that whole the client’s promotional output must be of one voice because that will have a greater effect on the reader and help turn them from a prospective client into a customer.
How often do we hear comments with regard to politics that there are differences in opinion between the cabinet or shadow cabinet, different people are saying slightly different things and that can and does weaken the message because it can become confusing.
What you must ensure is that whatever a customer may read from a company about their product or service is that there is a consistency of message across leaflets, brochures, websites in both style and content. Perhaps the most vital element that there needs to be consistency is your unique selling proposition – what sets you above the others. That is something that needs to be stressed and never diluted.