“Modernizing Merger Reviews”: DOJ Antitrust Division Aims to Shorten Time and Increase Efficiencies of Merger Reviews with Process Changes
U.S. Antitrust, Competition & Trade Regulation / Corporate/M&A Alert
?The U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division’s (“Antitrust Division”) Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim announced last week that the Antitrust Division is instituting a series of policy changes aimed at expediting its merger review process. The changes aim to resolve most investigations within six months of filing (down from the current average of more than ten months), and include internal process and policy changes, as well as new expectations and requirements from merging parties. Delrahim assured that the changes will not compromise the quality of merger reviews, warning that the Antitrust Division is “not unilaterally disarming.” Companies considering transactions that require antitrust review should take note of the changes and be prepared for increased expectations of cooperation in merger reviews.
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