Modern Technologies are build NOT TO LAST.
Most of the apps are no longer available for Gear VR anyway. (
And this is the main problem with the subscription and app store models. You cannot download and keep the apps to be installed later, especially on another device.
You can only download and install immediately and the downloaded copy will be deleted once installed. If your device is spoil or you reset it, you have to pray that these apps are still available for you to download and install again.
Not just Android and iOS, even some of the apps I purchased from Windows App Store have disappeared and I can no longer find them to be install in the new PCs. Microsoft will not refund you for apps they have removed and there is no way you can find and reinstall them if they only exist in the App Store.
Same applied to eBooks. Physical books always outlived eBooks, and can still be read a century later if well kept. But electronics eBook Readers cannot even last a few years, especially the batteries. And newer device usually do not support old readers or the ebook stores have already gone bankrupted.
Same also applied to digital storage. Ancient records written in stones are still readable a millennium years later. Modern records store in storage mediums cannot even last a decade. Even if they do, the readers to retrieve the data are no longer in production.
Capitalism focus on planned obsolescence to boost consumption and throw away culture is to be blamed. Not only do we not preserved our creation, we are also destroying our environment in the name of profit maximizing.
Our ancestors will be laughing at our stupidity and our serious lack of foresights.
Games too!