Modern Slavery – 50 million Worldwide  (1.1million in USA)
?	100,000 in UK, 11million in India, 5.8 million in China
?	US Civil War – brothers
The photo is from

Modern Slavery – 50 million Worldwide (1.1million in USA) ? 100,000 in UK, 11million in India, 5.8 million in China ? US Civil War – brothers

Modern Slavery – 50 million Worldwide ?(1.1million in USA)

  • 100,000 in UK, 11million in India, 5.8 million in China
  • US Civil War – brothers on opposite sides.


?? The background to this is a photo posted on Facebook in October 2023 with the caption,

‘Two brothers from West Virginia who fought on opposite sides in the American Civil War. Photograph - 1910.’


?? Where the photo came from is noted later.


?? I posted a related comment as regards one of the brothers supported slavery, which prompted a number of other posts.

These were related to whether or not or how much slavery was a cause of the US Civil War, and some other aspects.


?? In case any readers go all gooey about these brothers, and they do not know much about slavery, and the US Civil War, I thought I would provide some links, which I found via Google searches.


?? Why write about this history?


? ?Good question.


?? An answer is that we should try to educate people about the atrocities in history, like slavery in the US, and the causes of bloody civil wars, to try to stop them being repeated now or later.


?? This is especially because modern slavery is still a large problem, with an estimated 500 million people in modern slavery worldwide, and 1.1million of them in the US.


?? And that is not the worst country, by far.


?At the next link, as regards modern slavery it says,

‘You might think that slavery is a thing of the past. But right now, almost 50 million people are trapped in slavery worldwide.?‘?

It adds…

It's a problem that affects every country on earth – including yours. In many ways, slavery may look different from the slavery of the Transatlantic slave trade, but modern slavery – as a term – encompasses many forms of slavery, including human trafficking and people being born into slavery.’



?? At the next link it says,

‘The 10 countries with the largest estimated numbers of people in modern slavery include some of the world’s most populous. Collectively, these countries — India (11 million), China (5.8 million), North Korea (2.7 million), Pakistan (2.3 million), Russia (1.9 million), Indonesia (1.8 million), Nigeria (1.6 million), Türkiye (1.3 million), Bangladesh (1.2 million), and the United States (1.1 million) — account for nearly two in every three people living in modern slavery and over half the world’s population. Notably, six of these countries are G20 nations — India, China, Russia, Indonesia, Türkiye, and the United States.’



Also see…

? and

? and



At the next link it says,

‘more than 100,000 people in the UK are in modern slavery’


? ?The issue of whether or not or how much slavery was a cause of the American Civil War is discussed in the next links.



?? The photo of the 2 US Civil War brothers was posted by the World Chronology (Historical Images) group on Facebook, which is at …

and this has a website at…


#ModernSlavery #USCivilWar #Confederates #Unionside #AbrahamLincoln

#MartinLutherKing #WorldChronology #HistoricalImages #BrothersAtWar

#SlaveryIndia #SlaveryChina #SlaveryRussia #SlaveryUSA #SlaveryUK



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