A modern Scientific Study on Magic, Envy, and Demons.
A modern Scientific Study on Magic, Envy, and Demons
Professor Dr. Abdelrazak Mansour Ali
Beliefs and practices regarding witchcraft and sorcery vary greatly between countries and even between different races in the same country. Understanding of the belief in witchcraft and sorcery is still limited, regarding its causes and practice in some cultures. The concept of magic according to” Ibn Khaldun” is summed up in the fact that it is one of the sciences that some people learn to subjugate things and manage them to make them dependent on the magician’s command so that all matters that the magician intervenes in managing them will have impressive or miraculous results. Ibn Khaldun also linked magic with the people of Babylon from the Syriacs and Chaldeans and the Copts from the people of Egypt.
The first school of magic in Europe, located in the city of Klagenfurt, in southern Austria, may seem like mere sorcery, but those who are looking forward to an experience like that of the fictional character “Harry Potter” in the School of Wizards will be very disappointed, as the educational curricula are completely scientific. School principal Andreas St?rtchel said he set up the school to demystify magical skills by explaining phenomena using scientific methods based on the sciences of physics, chemistry, and biology. He added, "Magic skills have nothing to do with the folkloric image of evil witches with green faces and pockmarked noses, but rather about becoming a balanced person in harmony with nature.
- In European cultures, the magician usually says the word “Abracadabra” while performing his trick. In Aramaic language, it means: “I make what I say” or “I do what I say”
Black magic and magic works are among the things that the human mind stands helpless in front of, not only since ancient civilizations that did not reach technological progress but even to our time.? How many times have you heard from famous people that the reason for the failure of one of their businesses was due to black magic that was applied to them
Perhaps the relationship between magic and science has always been controversial, as all the discoveries and revolutions of science are at the expense of magic, as the relationship between them is inverse. Based on this dialectical relationship between them, the question arises: were the scientific approaches to the phenomena of nature able to eliminate the field of magic and refute all the claims of magicians, or is there a mysterious area that science was unable to explain, and it became a fertile ground for magic and its tools?
Magic is a form of applied psychology, and the psychological foundations of performative magic are used today just as they were used thousands of years ago. Freud, an expert in psychology, says: “One should not think that humans have rushed to create their first cosmic system just because of the arbitrary passion for knowledge. The practical need to control the world has a share in this effort
The desire to control and control nature to be included within our intellectual system is the driving force behind many of our scientific achievements. Hence the ancients came up with the duo called "magic" and "sorcery", which are among the first attempts to control humans, animals, and things and try to subdue them, given that these two human strategies are the most effective tools for this control "from the point of view of primitive man" in that time Era. Sorcery as a concept is a group of vulgar psychological practices and methods that target the human depth, where the sorcerer deals with the "spirit" as he treats a brutal creature by taming it, aiming to control it.
?David Blaine, the famous magician, and endurance artist said, "No technology will ever eliminate the human desire to believe in magic”.
Scientifically, researchers have come to know the place responsible for the phenomenon of magic and deception in humans, which is the outer shell of the brain wall (cerebral cortex). Studies conducted by scientists on brain EEG (Electro Enceohalo Gram) of many people showed that how our perceptiveness to what we see around us is not limited to the vision center in the brain only, but there are other areas in the brain that play a role in defining vision and interpreting and understanding what we see.
Scientists say that the point responsible for this perception is in the brain a few centimeters above the right ear of a person, and it is the area that people usually itch when they think and focus. The scientists who carried out the experiment believe that it explains in a scientific way why we believe the deception of magicians
The one who meditates on these studies clearly sees the possibility of deceiving the gaze, so that the brain can be deceived as well, as a person may see things that do not exist or see movements that did not occur because God Almighty designed the cortex of the brain so that if the focus is on a scene, the rest of the parts of the cortex responsible for focusing do not work, so the magician performs a distraction process, which facilitates visual deception, and thus one imagines things as if they had happened, and this is what is known as magic. As it was believed that some neurological and psychological diseases such as epilepsy and obsessive-compulsive disorder are magic and touch from the jinn, it has recently become clear that it is an imbalance in electrical impulses resulting from an imbalance in the proportions of chemical neurotransmitters (or electrical wires) that are the language of communication between neurons in the brain.
Scientists use a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner to monitor the activity of the cerebral cortex and the processes that occur within it, they discovered that some areas in the cerebral cortex malfunction while focusing on a specific image, and thus a person sees things that are not real, and things may happen in front of him and he does not see them because he is focusing on something else, and from here we can give a scientific explanation for magic, and let us reflect on the Almighty’s saying (They said, “O Moses! Either you cast or let us be the first to cast, Moses responded, “No, you go first.” And suddenly their ropes and staffs appeared to him by their magic to be slithering. So, Moses concealed fear within himself)- Taha 67-65.”
But there is another type of magic in which the magician controls a person and controls his thinking, so he practices “terror” with him (. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Hārūt, and Mārūt. But they [i.e., the two angels] do not teach anyone unless they say, "We are a glamor, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic].?And [yet] they learn from them how they can cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allah). Al Baqarah, Verse 102
And this meaning was confirmed when the magicians of Pharaoh were amazed and it fell into their hands when they saw the staff of Moses turning into a real snake and not the magical deception that they practiced, and they had enough experience to diagnose it, so they realized with certainty that it was sent from God Almighty: So prostrating themselves They said, "We believe in the Lord of the worlds, the Lord of Moses and Aaron" (Al-A'raf 118-122)
Envy and the evil eye: Studies in educational and clinical psychology have proven that it is not right for a person to live in a state of fear of envy permanently, because it may turn into a state of obsessive-compulsive disorder, whereby a person feels that any behavior or action of others will be interpreted as the envy of them. He will refuse social communication because he does not trust anyone. I've seen people make the "eye" the cause of every disaster in their life, even when they fall short in something - like failing a project or an exam.
Psychologists classify envy as being of two types, the first is positive, in which one seeks to strive and imitate the person whom he envies to reach what the envied has reached, and the second is the negative type, in which the envier desires and plans to accumulate misfortunes on the envied.
What is amazing is the continued belief that the eye is a source of evil power and will remain so. The link between the eye and envy dates to ancient times. The human mind and awareness were incapable of a logical explanation for the evils that afflict it and as a means of defense linking it to the eye, despite scientific progress in all fields, which is one of its conclusive proofs that the eye is innocent of envy. However, many still believe that the envious eye is the source of many evils that afflict us
The envy mentioned in the Holy Qur’an is envy in the sense of wishing for the cessation of grace from the envied, out of hatred for him, and it was mentioned in four places. The first place in Surat Al-Falaq in the Almighty’s saying (And from the evil of an envier when he envies), and the second place in Surat Al-Baqarah, verse 109 (Many of the People of the Book wish they could turn you back to disbelief after your belief because of envy from themselves), and the third place in Surat Al-Nessa, verse54 (Or do they envy People for what God has given them of His bounty), and the fourth place in Surat Al-Fath, verse 15. (They will then say, “In fact, you are envying us. The truth is: they can hardly comprehend).
Envy or malice is a latent disease that affects all people, even the believers among them. Anger, on top of which is adrenaline, which causes symptoms of anger such as increased heartbeat and breathing, sweating, tension, tremor, widened pupils, decreased feeling of pain, and increased strength and performance. For the reaction of the believers, it is what God Almighty clarified, (Those who suppress anger and pardon people)-Al-Imran, verse 134,” so the following result will be: (And the hearts of a believing people will be healed). Altawba, verse 14- The envy in the sense of a look or an eye, was mentioned in the Qur’an once, (The disbelievers would almost cut you down with their eyes when they hear ?you recite? the Quranic verses?and say, “He is certainly a madman, and he is only a reminder to the worlds.” Al-Qalam 51,52-- That is, the intensity of their anger and the tension of the unbelievers is very weak, even in the case of the eyes of the unbelievers
And to clarify that the eye has no effect (because it is a psychological belief and instinct) we remember the story of Jacob,” peace be upon him” when his sons went to get the wheat (He then instructed ?them?, “O my sons! Do not enter ?the city? all through one gate, but through separate gates.1?I cannot help you against ?what is destined by? Allah in the least) Youssef, verse67. He could not hide his psychological concerns about envy.
As for what the famous psychiatrist Colin Ross proved that he could play a tune on the computer by radiation emitted from his eye. These are weak rays that cannot pierce walls or cross distances. With the scientific progress in brain research, it was found that there are areas that scientists call the silent areas, which we do not know much about, and these areas are responsible for the extraordinary energy such as " Telepathy-Precognition-Retrocognition- Metal Binder. Visions and dreams are types of clairvoyance, and the silent area of our brain is responsible for these phenomena.
Silent Areas in our brain: could receive some energies directly and outside the scope of the five senses, or it can send supernatural energy that can bend or break metals
Satan’s doing magic for us is to improve and beautify our bad deeds and convince us of that (And Satan has made their deeds seem fair to them, so he has barred them from the path, so they are not guided) An-Naml:24
Neuroscience studies have shown that the prefrontal cortex is more active in the case of lying because it is the executive control center for cognitive processes such as planning, problem-solving, and attention, and these are the important components of deception. The God Almighty said (a lying, sinful forelock) Alalaq, verse 16. The term forelock includes the anatomical and functional meaning of the prefrontal cortex of the brain. The cortex is located directly behind the forehead, meaning that it hides in the depth of the forelock. Thus, the prefrontal cortex is the directive for some human actions that reflect his personalities, such as truthfulness, lying, and correctness and wrong. The forelock in Arabic dictionaries is the front part of the thing and the center of command. The mechanism of Satan's magic for us lies in issuing vibrations to the frontal cortex of the brain that activates our lying and deceit area.
Using the idea of magic to pass hidden agendas: The basic step in the magic process is to terrorize and intimidate the target person in order to prepare him psychologically to believe what will be thrown at him, and thus his mind and conscience can be shaped and formulated in the way wanted by those with malicious agendas, and this is the same role played by the intelligence agencies, the media, drama, and cinema. The Almighty said (He who whispers into people's hearts from among jinn and humankind) Alnas, verse,5,6. The Almighty said (As for the disbelievers, their deeds are like a mirage in a desert, which the thirsty perceive as water, but when they approach it, they find it to be nothing. Instead, they find Allah there ?in the Hereafter, ready? to settle their account. And Allah is swift in reckoning) Alnour, verse 39.
In this scene, the fear of death "thirsty" dominates the person's psyche, affecting his mentality, so he imagines that there is water, so he rushes towards it to quench his thirst, and when he reaches the place of water, he does not find it because it was not real, but rather an illusion and a mirage
The jinn and demons are invisible creatures to us, and this does not mean that they do not exist, as evidenced by the fact that electricity and gravity do not see them. However, most modern technologies and applications depend on confirming the hypothesis of their existence, and no sane person can deny their existence. God Almighty created the jinn and demons from ultrasound waves (ultrasonic) because Ultrasound is mechanical energy, and its passage and speed depend on the presence of a medium that it collides with to travel in, and therefore
A -An intense heat is generated because of this collision with the particles of the medium.
B- It has small wavelengths, and as a result, its ability to penetrate is high. So, the sum of “A + B” = fire of poisons = fire that penetrates pores, the Almighty said: “And the jinn We created before from the fire of poisons” Al-Hijr-Verse27.
Now, ultrasound is the only conventional wave that produces great heat in this way. Recently, we have heard about the Russian thermal weapon known as the father of bombs, whose damage results from the shock of ultrasound waves and high temperatures that reach 3000 degrees, so that it is sometimes called the devil’s bomb.: Recently, researchers at the University of North Carolina have developed ultrasound technology that allowed penetrating bone and metal.
The fiery and vibrational (wave) origin of the jinn and demons can be deduced from the Holy Qur’an as follows.
?(And He created the jinn from a vibrating fire) Al-Rahman, verse 15.
God Almighty said, “What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you?” He said, “I am better than him. You created me from fire, and you created him from clay.” Al-A’raf 12-
The “Ultrasonic and Auditory” origin of the jinn and demons can be deduced from the Holy Qur’an as follows.
·???-(We used to take up positions there for eavesdropping, but whoever dares eavesdrop now will find a flare?lying in wait for them) Al-Jinn, verse: 9 And God said (And incite [to senselessness] whomever you can among them with your voice and assault them with your glamor, and soldiers to become a partner in their wealth and their children and promise them." But Satan does not promise them except delusion) Al-Israa-verse 64.
A- The American National Institute of Health published “2018” research on neuromodulation stating that ultrasound is able to modify the “thalamic and subthalamic” brain regions and the cerebral cortex. The modulation is “neural activation or inhibition” according to the frequency of the waves.
B- David Hutton proved in "2022" that sound can stimulate the retina of the blind eye to transmit signals to the brain * from the sum of "A, B" and that demons are ultrasound waves, so Satan can influence a person through magic and deceiving the mind and the eyes.
- it is known that the human body produces electromagnetic energy because of the vital process” Metabolism” - when the wave energy of Devils and the energy of the human body come into contact and interact with each other, fusion cannot occur between them due to the difference in frequency of vibrations and wavelength between them - ultrasound waves are longitudinal waves, meaning that they travel in parallel with the direction of their spread, forming circles around their axis (see illustration). This is what can be understood from the Almighty’s saying: “Indeed, those who fear God, when a circling party of Satan touches them, they remember, ?their Lord? then they start to see ?things? clearly) Al-A’raf, verse 201. Taif is from circumambulation, meaning to rotate around the center, and derived from it “to circumambulate around the Kaaba”, i.e., to rotate around it. Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves, and their speed is constant=The speed of light, while the speed of ultrasound waves, varies with the medium in which the waves travel.
- Before the revelation of the Holy Qur’an, the apostate devils and non-Muslim jinn (by virtue of their formation of ultrasonic waves) were taking steps starting with clashing and friction with the waves of the sky, passing through touch and palpation, until they were located and settled in a place where they could do a “hacker” = kidnapping and stealing a copy of some information documented in the Cyber electromagnetic waves information coming from the sky( Imam moubin) to the earth, which contains details of the events that will happen to humans and others (In heaven is your sustenance and whatever you are promised) - Al-Dhariyat, verse 22.
?But after the revelation of the Qur’an, strict guards were appointed on this information tape to protect it, and the function of these guards is to repel and slander the jinn and demons to defeat them - and to reinforce the security, protection programs were integrated into the cyber information tape (the shooting star, meteor programs) so, the jinn and demons were thus prevented from approaching this information tape. And for your information, one of the meanings of "meteor" in the Arabic dictionaries indicates drought and barrenness, and therefore the meteor program monitors the hacker and recognizes it, and then penetrates it to nullify its effect so that it becomes barren barren land. (And we touched the sky, and we found it filled with strong guards and meteors, and we used to sit in its seats to hear, so whoever listens now will find meteors lying in wait for him) Al-Jinn 8,9.
But what is the source of electromagnetic waves in the human body? It is the electricity that is generated from the heart, brain, muscles, and other vital processes "Metabolism". Fat has a high electrical resistance because fat is mostly hydrophobic and non-polar, which means that it repels both water and ions:
- Because fat is an insulator under the skin. The external electromagnetism that was attached to the human body from the external environment, as well as those generated from our body metabolism, were neutralized by the “ablution” because it is targeting the ends of the extremities of the body and these harmful vibrational waves are absorbed by the water of ablution. One of the scenes of our daily life is that sometimes we get a slight electric shock when we touch with our fingertips any metal object such as door handles. As a reminder, the electrical activity of the heart, muscles, and brain can be monitored through the well-known ECG, EEG, and EMG.
- Scientifically, water consists of hydrogen and oxygen, and it is polar, meaning one of the atoms carries a negative charge and the other has a positive charge, like a magnetic bar. These molecules in the water are distributed randomly in natural water, and if we pass a magnetic field of specific strength in this water, these molecules will harmonize so that the positive poles are in one direction and the negative ones are in another direction to become regular in lines. The scholars said that when the water was first created, it was in this correct form, and then irregularity occurred to it. Scientists call irregular water “dead water” and regular water poles” living water”.
?1- It has been scientifically proven that liquids can absorb ultrasound waves, and
,2- the Journal of Physics published in 2014 research confirming that cold foamy liquids can repel ultrasound waves of certain frequencies “21-40 kHz”.”
From the results of the research in 1,2, we deduce the following conclusion: "Cold water saturated with nitrogen overcomes ultrasound waves and their effects. Rainwater is the best example of a liquid saturated with nitrogen. Now we consider God Almighty’s saying: (And He sent down rain from the sky to purify you, free you from Satan’s whispers, strengthen your hearts, and make ?your? steps firm). Al Anfal, verse11. and God said (And remember Our servant Ayyub, when he cried out to his Lord, “Satan has afflicted me with distress and suffering. We responded, stomp your foot: now here is a cool ?and refreshing? spring for washing and drinking) Sad, verse,41,42.
Abstract: Magic is a form of applied psychology that relies on visual and mental deception and requires the availability of knowledge and training for the magician and the psychological readiness of the victim.
Envy and the eye go back to ancient times. The human mind and consciousness were unable to logically explain the evils that afflict it. They are defensive means of the human soul that stem from the instinct of survival and control.
Jinns and demons are creatures created by God Almighty from ultrasonic waves and thermal energy, and the mechanism of their perception and communication with the external environment depends on ultrasonic vibrations.