A modern proposal to Venice.
Venice. That’s old palaces and huge tourism crowds.
But it’s not only Piazza San Marco appealing to the people. Modern art is attached to Venice’s magnetism too.
Art finds one of the top places of issue. In a unique complex. Different pavilions, each curated by another country. Presenting modern art. Since always the Biennale di Venezia is a place you can discover new. Art is doing justice to itself here and you can feel the inquisitiveness each visitor is spreading, but also getting surprised by the different artwork.
“Art” originates from the word “kunnan”, meaning Ability and Knowledge. It’s no discussion that art was associated with abilities that made people marvel.
The appraiser will always ask the question: “How did that come to life?” How did the artist make that? The process is being analysed. The process has a huge impact on the ardor art sparks.
The Biennale is based in the halls and the shipbuilding yard of Venice. You can assume the initiators of the Biennale chose this place by purpose. It’s the venetian dockyard that invented modern process thinking.
And thinking about modern process thinking, you can’t leave out agility, lean and other methods, conquering the business world more and more. They all have the same origin: Silicon Valley - the capital of its development. But no one knows that agility was founded in the ship building yards of Venice. In past times Venice was a sea power, trading specialists but also well known for their way to fight battles by sea.
The ships the venetian people build, regarded as something smart, maneuverable with a broad variety of variability. All boats together provided a fleet even a swiss pocket knife would be afraid of its variety of usages.
But why were all these ships so variable? The answer is easy: Venice is built on morass and trunks on the sea. There is no ideal material by hand to build ships or repair them. Everything had to be shipped to Venice first. Making the Venetians rethink, finding solutions and satisfying the needs. Just like Silicon Valley companies have made it their mission.
So next time you’re visiting Venice, think about the process and the true art behind it.