"A Modern Patrician"?

"A Modern Patrician"

"Any humble writer would tremble before the task of describing such a man, but one must make an attempt. Royal Fortunatus, Jr. first impressed one as a handsome young man who had about him a patrician air. He would have looked just as fine in the white linen, waistcoat, and breeches of the Federalist period, or the casaque, cape, and pourpoint of the 17th-century aristocracy, as he did at the University in his blue cashmere blazer and well-tailored flannel slacks. As a vessel of almost Apollonian, masculine elegance, Royal should be described from masthead to rudder: wavy, neatly trimmed hair the color of Brazil nuts framed the top and upper sides of his face, a svelte rectangle; his eyes, set far apart, gave Royal a dreamy, fascinated expression. Formed with perfect regularity, the man’s nose had nothing noteworthy about it, but his lips and jawlines, on the contrary, possessed exceptional charm. His upper lip had the shape of a graceful bird in flight and the lower one, a slightly swollen sensuality. Together they gave the impression of being the work of a master in the art of delicate sculpture. A smooth ovular arc formed the bottom of Royal’s jawline, which quickly turned upward to give the side of his face clean, straight edges. Royal demonstrated refinement in his gestures and in the moderated, rich tones of his voice. He carried himself gracefully and showed natural poise in social situations: always knowing the right thing to say and do in order to make a good impression. As the scion of a well-established family of bankers in North Carolina, it had already been decided that, once he graduated, Royal would be given a senior executive position in the bank and expected to become its chief when his father retired. The family estate occupied its own prominence, Blackberry Knoll; on it sat the palatial home his grandfather had lived in for many years before his death. This home would pass to Royal on his 22nd birthday."


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