A modern latent print processing workflow needs a modern toolset
Jaime Hoerricks, PhD
Autistic and Trans Special Education Teacher and author of No Place for Autism and Holistic Language Instruction.
Many years ago, I presented a series of training sessions on advanced processing techniques for images of latent prints. One of my students from these sessions contacted me recently to seek help with a problem. Her workstation had been updated by IT staff - from WinXP to Win7. Yes, you read that right. She had been using WinXP until just recently ... and the upgrade was Win7.
But, the real problem was that her tools weren't compatible with the "modern" OS she'd been given. Many of the popular tools and plug-ins for latent print image processing haven't been updated substantially in years.
I happily noted that Axon Five is the perfect tool for processing images of latent prints.
Her first questions were around the issue of resizing to 1:1. That process in Axon Five is easy. Resize 1:1 is in the Edit filter group with all the other geometric transforms.
Again, the set up is easy. The Ruler tool is used to help compute the Pixel Distance via some in-image reference - in this case there's a scale in the picture. Another way to calculate the value is the Display Calculator tab in the Resize 1:1 filter settings. As we recently noted over on our blog, the Display Calculator tab allows you to use the pixels in the display as a reference. It will automatically enter the pixel size, but you must enter the size in inches. It may be worth researching this, since some monitor sizes are slightly different than advertised, as they may hide a certain part behind the bezel.
Her next questions dealt with "cleaning up" images. There again, Axon Five is amazing.
Our Fourier (FFT) tool automates pattern removal. Our Component Separation tool is perfect for chemically processed prints. Plus, all the usual tools are there as well - Levels, Curves, and etc. And, don't forget, our report function is second to none.
The processing order is clearly stated with hyperlinks to the filter's usage and description. Click on any of the steps to view the instance of the filter.
Axon Five isn't just for videos. Axon Five is perfect for any forensic science discipline that processes images or video - including latent prints. From crime scenes, to reconstruction work (shooting incident, traffic collision, etc.) to questioned document exams, to tool mark / tread ware, to latent prints, to CCTV, and beyond ... we've got you covered.
For more information about this amazing tool, or for information on upcoming training sessions, contact us today.
The Axon Forensic Suite tools are powered by Amped Software technologies.