Are Modern Feminists Intelligent enough? Where is a good place to meet intelligent women who are single?

Are Modern Feminists Intelligent enough? Where is a good place to meet intelligent women who are single?

I must say that you are more likely to meet intelligent women in libraries, coffee shops, industrial events, seminars and at conferences. Make a guess: Intelligent women prefer calm and quiet places over party spots.

Intelligent women can be found in a variety of professions, including research and development, science, college teaching, law, medicine, engineering, finance, and business management. These professions require a higher IQ to perform.

Intelligent women can be found in intellectually oriented corners of the Internet, such as Quora, Medium, and Linux discussion boards, as well as high-IQ societies, such as the International High IQ Society (95th percentile), Mensa (98th percentile), and Triple Nine Society (99.9th percentile).

In addition, you are more likely to find intelligent women in special interest groups such as philosophy, science, or technology. Also, you will find them in university towns as well as science towns.

Remember that Geniuses operate outside of mainstream society because they do not fit into the average person’s nonsensical and mundane life.

Now, why are modern feminists considered to be more illusional than logical beings?

Let’s first understand what modern feminism is in theory (Fourth-wave feminism)

Modern feminism refers to the ongoing movement for gender equality and the rights of women in contemporary society. While feminism has roots in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, modern feminism encompasses a wide range of ideologies, theories, and practices aimed at addressing issues such as gender discrimination, reproductive rights, workplace inequality, sexual harassment, and violence against women.

Key aspects of modern feminism include:

  1. Intersectionality: Modern feminists recognize that gender inequality intersects with other forms of oppression, such as race, class, sexual orientation, and disability. Intersectional feminism seeks to address the unique challenges faced by individuals who belong to multiple marginalized groups.
  2. Advocacy for reproductive rights: Modern feminists advocate for women’s autonomy and rights over their own bodies, including access to contraception, abortion, and comprehensive reproductive healthcare.
  3. Gender pay gap and workplace equality: Feminists work to address disparities in pay and opportunities between men and women in the workplace. This includes advocating for equal pay for equal work, combating workplace discrimination, and promoting policies such as paid parental leave and affordable childcare.
  4. Challenging gender norms and stereotypes: Modern feminism aims to break down rigid gender roles and stereotypes that limit individuals’ choices and opportunities based on their gender identity. This includes challenging expectations around femininity, masculinity, and gender expression.
  5. Ending violence against women: Feminists work to combat all forms of violence against women, including domestic violence, sexual assault, harassment, and sex trafficking. This includes advocating for stronger legal protections, supporting survivors, and challenging societal attitudes that perpetuate violence.
  6. Cultural representation and media representation: Feminists advocate for diverse and accurate representations of women in media, entertainment, and popular culture. This includes challenging harmful stereotypes, promoting diverse narratives, and supporting women’s voices and perspectives in all forms of media.

Modern feminism is a diverse and evolving movement that encompasses a wide range of perspectives and approaches. While there may be disagreements among feminists on specific issues or strategies, the overarching goal remains the same: to achieve gender equality and justice for all individuals, regardless of gender identity or expression.

Now, what Modern feminists really do in the real world (practical actions)?


  1. Psychiatric violent radicalization of women
  2. Demonization and diminishment of men
  3. Modern “feminism” has nothing to do with true original feminism.
  4. The goal is to simply destroy Western society.



When you gender an issue, you also gender its solution. Feminists are notorious for gendering issues and demanding that only women deal with them. The most popular one right now is “Women can’t walk home at night for fear of being murdered!” Even the Obamas have stated this publicly. Men are significantly more likely than women to be assaulted or murdered. It doesn’t make sense to make this a women’s issue. Quora is full of “women must avoid dark alleys and check behind them.” Men don’t!” The assumption that men do not is incorrect. They simply do not express their fear as loudly, and men do not have nearly as many willing listeners.



Feminists have fought against men receiving aid and activism for issues they face, such as men receiving a pittance of government funding compared to women, opposing gender neutral rape definitions, opposing government-funded abuse shelters for men, opposing suicide prevention meetings, opposing activism for equal child custody, opposing reproductive rights for men, and so on.


Unfortunately, in an effort to empower women, feminism has created an environment in which anyone can be empowered. The infamous female drug lord, who murdered people and ruined lives while dressed in heels and dark red lipstick, was regarded as empowering for women. She is a drug lord. That can never be considered empowering. Toxic behavior and violence against men are frequently considered empowering. If you speak out against this, you will be labelled sexist.



People are somehow scared because feminism is notorious for spreading misinformation and misinterpreting studies. The previous example of being scared at night as a women’s issue instills fear. Mary P. Koss, a Feminist Award-winning professor, conducted a study on sexual violence that was widely publicised and even mentioned in the recent presidential election.

However, Ms. Koss also has a significant bias. Not only does she have a very broad definition of sexual violence and rape (for example, a couple planning to drink before intercourse), but she also believes that women are incapable of raping men. Her bias should have immediately invalidated her study, but misinformation spreads.

The whole “believe the woman” thing, which even Hillary Clinton supports, spreads misinformation that an accusation is sufficient to prove guilt. It appears that “innocent until proven guilty” does not apply here. Misinformation regarding suicide rates, depression, domestic violence, rape, and other issues. For years, feminism has been associated with the spread of incorrect information. However, when you learn that you have a one-in-three chance of being raped, you may rush to seek feminist protection.

Why do modern feminists not understand the basic biological differences between genders?

The notion of inherent differences between male and female brains has been a topic of much debate in neuroscience and psychology. While there are some anatomical and physiological differences between male and female brains, it’s essential to recognise that these differences are often subtle and don’t necessarily imply significant variations in cognitive abilities or behaviour.

  1. Brain structure: Research has shown that, on average, male brains tend to have slightly larger overall volume than female brains. Additionally, certain brain regions may show differences in size or connectivity patterns between males and females. For example, some studies suggest that the corpus callosum, which connects the two hemispheres of the brain, may be larger in females, potentially facilitating greater communication between the hemispheres.
  2. Functional differences: While some studies have reported differences in brain activation patterns between males and females during certain tasks, the significance of these differences is often debated. For instance, some research suggests that males may show greater lateralization (i.e., dominance of one hemisphere) during specific tasks, while females may exhibit more bilateral activation. However, the extent to which these differences translate into variations in cognitive abilities or behavior is still unclear.
  3. Behavioral differences: There are certainly behavioral differences between males and females on average, but these differences are influenced by a complex interplay of biological, social, and environmental factors. While some behaviors may be influenced by underlying brain differences, many are shaped by cultural norms, societal expectations, and individual experiences.
  4. Plasticity and flexibility: It’s important to recognize that the brain is highly plastic, meaning it can adapt and change in response to experiences and environmental influences throughout life. While there may be some innate differences between male and female brains, the brain’s plasticity allows individuals to develop a wide range of cognitive abilities and behaviors regardless of gender.

More Data: Why Men Should not marry down? Why Educating women is important? Why Hypergamy must be abolished? | by Alvin George | Feb, 2024 | Medium

Next, Are Modern Feminists Intelligent enough?

I truly understand the value of female education and equal rights. Indeed, government policies and laws can promote egalitarianism. Aside from fundamental biological differences between males, females, and third genders, we will achieve equality in certain ways. I completely agree.


Let me ask you, What will you do in your old age?

Western societies have a highly developed social security system. There are enough old age homes for senior citizens. Even if you are not married and have lived a single life, you will end up in an old age home where you will spend your time until you die. My friends who work in elderly care homes in the United Kingdom told me that single feminists regret not marrying and having a family.

What about third-world, underdeveloped countries? They do not have enough old age homes. They do not have well-developed health insurance systems. They do not have strong social security systems for their citizens. If you do not marry and have children here, you will be socially isolated and have no one to care about.

In general, what are the lifestyle options for an unmarried man in this world?

1. Become a priest

2. Go MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way)

3. A child-free Couple

4. Co-habitation


In general, what are the lifestyle options for an unmarried woman in this world?

1. Become a Nun

2. Go WGTOW (Women Going Their Own Way)

3. A child-free Couple

4. Co-habitation


Which of these lifestyle choices gives you a sense of belonging and social security? Of course, it’s either family or the priesthood. The church will care for you in your old age. If you dedicate and sacrifice your life to the church, you will be cared for in your old age.

If you choose another lifestyle, it will be disastrous in your old age unless you have a lot of money. If you have enough money, you will be able to afford a luxury old age home and enjoy your retirement. The psychological effects of loneliness and not having children will always exist, correct?

Okay, now you’re going to tell me that suicide is an option when we get older and sick. In fact, suicide pods are being developed, and painless dying is becoming popular. This is a viable alternative solution to this problem. I agree. What else is left?

If suicide pods are the real alternative, do you believe they will be legalised in developing countries where religion dominates popular culture? My answer is NO. Religions are against taking another man’s or your own life. It is considered a sin in their objective morality, correct?

Now, consider what is best for you, Modern Feminists. Either family, Nunhood, or dying alone?

A choice is always an individual decision. Thank you reading, have a great time!



Regret and psychological well-being among voluntarily and involuntarily childless women and mothers — PubMed ( )

Layout 1 ( )

Discussion-paper-New-feminist-activism-waves-and-generations-en.pdf ( )

6236_Chapter_1_Krolokke_2nd_Rev_Final_Pdf.pdf ( )

Postmodern Feminist Politics ( )

walby_02_FeminismInGlobalEra.pdf ( )

(PDF) The Roots of Modern Feminism: Mary Wollstonecraft and the French Revolution ( )


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