A Modern Fairytale
Steven E. Hudson
After a long career, I have decided to retire from campus administration/teaching at the end of this academic year and pursue other interests. Please look for more information as the year progresses.
“… Animalis non rationis capaz …” Jonathan Swift
Bertrand Russell, “… man is rational, saying "Man is a rational animal — so at least I have been told …”
Disclaimer: The resemblance to any person or persons living or dead is in the mind of the reader only … this work is from the mind of the author and based on his reflection upon the human condition.
Once, in the fairly recent past a man was walking along a beach when he stubbed his toe on something. When he looked down he beheld a rather garishly decorated bottle with a stopper in its neck.
As he brushed off the sand he was both alarmed and intrigued when a figure condensed out of the smoke issuing from the mouth of the bottle. The figure identified itself as a genie and promptly offered the man the customary three wishes.
The man told the genie that he did have three wishes and the genie who had been doing this for thousands of years was not duly surprised. After all, he mused, it seemed as if all mortals always had their three wishes ready so he stood in anticipation of the big three (wealth, long life, and girls). However, ,the man did not wish for the “big three”, instead he said, “I desire wisdom, intelligence and health”.
This puzzled the genie and he took a moment as he collected his thoughts. Finally he said, “Mortal, in all my years, and it has been thousands, no one, except Solomon has wished for ‘wisdom’ nor for intelligence nor just health”. “Are you not sure you would like to reconsider”.
The man thought for a moment and after taking a large breath stated that he was satisfied with his three wishes.
The genie then began to explain his surprise and pleasure derived from such an unselfish wish. For as he said, “Each of you on the mortal plane are given, at your birth, enough of a measure of wisdom, intelligence and health for you to complete your Earthly task(s)”. “However, most mortals do not use these gifts granted them properly as they get sidetracked with the accumulation of wealth and the folly of their decisions, which usually are self-serving!”
“Wisdom is “the natural ability to understand things that most other people cannot understand?[and a] knowledge of what is proper or reasonable: good sense or judgment (Webster’s dictionary) and although mortals have a measure of this gift form birth the majority deem it not necessary and thus something to be avoided as in some ways it is what one would refer to as a part of a conscience. Intelligence, too, is given each of those dwelling on the mortal plane but instead of being used to assist others and the race it is used to twist the truth, seek wealth and in general used for selfish gain. Health is something as well that each mortal is provided; but by not using wisdom and intelligence, as they were intended, disease, obesity and in general poor health habits have crept into the mortal sphere. When mortals do not pay attention to these gifts then the results are wars, prejudice, injustices, pestilence and the destruction of the very environment in which they live.”
The genie looked at the man as the man looked down at his feet as he listened to the words of the genie. The man raised his face to look into the eyes of the genie and as his eyes glistened with tears he said, “I only desired these things because I felt I did not have them and it was my desire to serve, not take.”
The genie nodded and then he said, “Those who most desire these gifts are those in which the greatest measure has been granted. For humility and empathy are the other gifts one must have to use wisdom, intelligence and one’s health to assist his/her mortal companions. These, too, you have in great measure. Since I am not able to provide you with your three wishes, as you already are in possession of those things you seek, I will grant you a forth wish.
Without hesitation the man said, “I desire ‘peace’ on Earth for all of the human race and a desire for all suffering to cease.”
“Alas!” said the genie, “once again I cannot grant your desire for as was said, you mortals have the gifts to bring into existence ‘peace and understanding’ but many desire only their selfish pursuits.”
The man hung his head and large tears fell at this feet for he knew in his heart-of-hearts that the genie spoke the truth and he also knew that he would continue to struggle to be true to his beliefs and to help whenever and wherever he was able. As he stood there the refrain from a song prevailed itself upon his thoughts …
“This is my quest, to follow that star,
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far
To fight for the right without question or cause
To be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause
And I know if I'll only be true to this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm when I'm laid to my rest”
Andy Williams - The Impossible Dream Lyrics | MetroLyrics