Modern Day Melodrama – Tale of Class Distinction and Privilege ….Billy Crystal would play Hunter

Modern Day Melodrama – Tale of Class Distinction and Privilege ….Billy Crystal would play Hunter

Steal a loaf of bread then go to jail

Steal a Million Pounds then become a member of Parliament


As much as we would like to believe that there has been some significant change in aspect of social distinction in our extremely class conscious society

…especially in which we have this nonstop rant about Justice No Peace


Hunter’s trial is a sad reminder of how nothing has changed at all

…even since this Dicken’s quote from one hundred fifty years ago


While the MAGA Right will immediately protest “Two Tier Justice

…especially considering the NYC Hush $$ Trial whose courtroom environment was a total 180 from the proceedings in Wilmington Delaware


What possesses the greatest impression (on me) is how Class, Money, Power convey an immediate Privilege in American Society


How folks like the Biden Clan possess so much more Priority than regular people like you and me.

They can do anything they want and with the air cover of their State Media act in bold manners that makes them an absurd caricature of real life for most Americans

While I personally have no trauma or distress here


My thoughts are with those that do not live in the comfort that I enjoy and love one’s experience with the American Justice System is far different than Hunter Biden

His antics are a study in the excess that power breeds, most especially in families like the Biden’s that say

…Do as I say—Not as I Do


While there are surely lots to debate here in terms of fairness and the soundness of the American Justice System

More than Two Tier Justice that the Right will incessantly moan about


It is the double standard of life that a long list of demographics lives with every day in America.

So many marginalized groups and individuals

..and even if you have by effort and some luck overcome the marginalization the memory for those of us with consciousness and awareness remains


At the core of this

Hunter is a rich spoiled boy that never grew up and was carried on the shoulders of his uber corrupt parents

Excess knows no boundary and the courtroom behavior of the Biden Clan was so egregious

…that the prosecution in their closing remarks had to call it out

Telling the jurors…. the powerful people in the front row are not evidence in this case but nothing more than a distraction from the truth


With all that said …the over the top courtroom performance of Dr. Jill- Biden Clan et al reminded me so much of a Sitcom SOAP ( 1977-1981) which was a parody about Soap Opera Melodrama

The TV show was hugely popular and the next morning the topic of conversation around the water bubbler in every office across the nation

Such excellent writing in the big than life parody and satirist over the top sardonic humor

…very very funny

---But as Ani Difranco said

Art Imitates Life but Life Imitates TV

Which is a take off from Oscar Wilde’s quote that draws the analogy that so many things that happen in life you could not even make up in your imagination

Such is the behavior of the Biden Clan


As Jill in pale pink pant suit struts into the courtroom

…sits down in the front row and eyeballs all the jurors

…take notes after each juror is instated

…chitchats with Hunter’s wife while steering at the jurors


This daily ritual becomes the courtroom sideshow

….. in the front row times wiping her eyes with tissues as her son’s painful pics are seen in all their depravity on the monitor ?


Next is the Criss Cross Trans-Atlantic episode that reads like pure melodrama


The final escapade ….the clergyman brought in as the assembled Biden's bow their heads in prayer ?

Such mockery of the Divine neither moves nor shocks me as these are surreal people –that know no shame –

…and are in their deep pathos of emotional illness

…very very removed from the experience of individuals like you and me


Who would play Hunter on this melodrama that would be the New Century version of 1980’s SOAP?

..that in Hunter’s case we most appropriately would call the TV Show- ?DOPE the word describes both the individual and the primary topic being discussed to a tee


Billy Crystal (of course) who was made most famous by his excellent acting in this TV series that broached a host of taboo subject matters

His comedy was spontaneous and outrageous with impulsive moments that were acting but would be the real-life behavior of DOPE’s star Hunter


Katherine Helmond would play Dr. Jill as her dualistic persona matches FLOTUS ?-- duplicitous and two-faced – perfect casting


You get the idea here …


As most Americans struggle to put food on the table for their family and our Nation looms under massive and the largest credit card debt


Biden INC--- it is just another day in paradise with not a concern in the world

Will Hunter Walk??


Who cares !


As the entire sad scenario does not escape the notice of the fair-minded American People who deeply resent the double standard


…no--- my Friends on the Right

..not because its Two Tier Justice against the backdrop of #45 experience


It’s the double standard that most of us live with every day

…one that impacts us in so many ways


Yet in the boldness of Biden Clan’s perversion

….. in their excess is a satire of true comedy that our Greek ancestors like Aristophanes would go to town on

..creating some brilliant play like the Clouds or the Frogs


For Team Biden …this trial is double edge sword


Which will distance them further from people of Color along with all marginalized groups—who feel the pain in the contrast of their own personal reality

While those difficult days are in my rearview mirror

I feel their pain and the unfairness that this event brings to their mind


Yet for just a moment let us laugh at foibles of the Leadership Class

? immersed in their deceit that they have become a caricature

..a travesty that is worthy more of our amusement than scorn


So contemptuous yet completely ridiculous


As life imitates art each foretells what fools will do ???





Bob Rutherford

"Truck Stop Philosopher & Troubleshooter | Empowering Problem Solvers with AI-Powered Training & Tools Based on Dr. Deming's Philosophy | 'The Politics of Business and the Business of Politics'" I Please Click Below.

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