Modern Day Marketing
Modern Day Marketing
1) Marketing is about investing to get leads
2) In the old offline world large companies had the resources
3) In the online world the opportunity is now on the doorstep of small players too
4) So what about the investment
5) While money was the seed earlier, time and skill are the seeds of today
6) And this is where small players have an edge today
7) Small is always the underdog with the we try harder attitude
8) In the online world the investment is about how much you can give for free
9) And how much can you give for a pittance (small price)
10) And finally you get to present your premium product
11) Free Blogs, Free Videos, Free Tools are the modern day investment in Marketing
12) Marketing Investment generates two kinds of Returns - Goodwill and Revenue
13) Those who cannot see the potential of Goodwill in today's world will miss the bus
14) It takes courage and patience to give stuff free
15) But the ease with which one can reach the masses in the opportunity that can be sealed with the glue of giving
16) There cannot be anything truer than the BNI Slogan - Givers Gain
17) Today "Giving" is the Marketing Investment
18) It requires time + skills + attitude + perseverance + patience
19) These are the 5 ingredients of modern marketing
20) Large companies find it very difficult to deliver on - The 'Start Up' Attitude
21) They would rather infuse Capital
22) So they can prop up 'Start Ups' by supplying capital for a stake
23) Business continues to be similar in the sense that it needs Investment
24) Except that the Investment is no longer only capital but also the 5 ingredients