Modern Business Execution with Ancient Wisdom: Vedic Management
Dr. Mahboob Ali Khan (Master Hospital Management) Advisor ??
I'm Healthcare Management C-suite Consultant | Skills: #Quality #Accreditation | #Operations & #Businessdevelopment |#Policymaking | #Strategy #planning #business #financialmanagement#analytics #virtualassistance
I remember one of my favourite professors at DSHM emphasising the point, "Fundamentals never change if we're dealing with the same species (humans in this case)." It was so simple yet epiphanic. At the core, things almost always remain the same. This is the reason we keep discovering new meanings in old things, new lessons from old teachings, new ideas from old wisdom, and the list goes on. Business Strategies fall in the same circle, we keep innovating our business strategies with the wisdom of ancient gurus.
One modern-day business strategy that can be connected to the learnings of Hindu Vedas is the concept of "Vedic Management." Vedic Management is a management philosophy based on the teachings of the Hindu Vedas, and it emphasises the importance of balancing material success with spiritual fulfilment. This approach encourages businesses to prioritise the well-being of their employees and customers and to strive for a sense of purpose beyond just financial gain. Sounds familiar? If I put any multi-billion dollar company's name on this philosophy and tag it as their vision and mission, you'd instantly accept it. It's so versatile, right? But, this approach is ancient! It aligns with the Hindu philosophy of balance, harmony and living in harmony with nature.
Vedic Management is a holistic approach to management that emphasises the interconnectedness of all aspects of a business, including the spiritual well-being of employees and customers and the impact of the business on the environment. This approach is based on the belief that businesses should strive for a balance between material success and spiritual fulfilment. This balance is necessary for the true success and prosperity of not just individuals involved in a particular business but the whole society.
One of the key principles of Vedic Management is "Sattva", which is the balance between the material and spiritual aspects of life. This principle encourages businesses to consider the impact of their actions on various internal as well as external stakeholders.
Another important principle is "Dharma" which is the moral and ethical principles that guide human behaviour. This principle encourages businesses to operate with integrity and to be socially responsible. I'm sure this must have reminded you of Corporate Governance.
"Karma" is another principle that is central to Vedic Management, which states that all actions have consequences. Businesses are encouraged to consider the long-term consequences of their actions and to take a sustainable approach to growth and development.
Sustainability and Vedic Management
Yes, sustainability is an essential aspect of Vedic Management. The principle of "Sattva" and "Karma" together encapsulate a similar list of ancient Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This includes taking into account the impact of their operations on the environment and making efforts to reduce their ecological footprint.
Additionally, Vedic management also emphasises the interconnectedness of all aspects of life, including the relationship between humans and nature. It encourages businesses to operate in harmony with nature and to consider the impact of their actions on the natural world. This aligns with the principles of sustainability, which calls for using resources in a responsible and efficient manner so as to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
In this perspective, Vedic management can be seen as a holistic management approach that takes into account the balance between economic, social and environmental aspects.
Management Lessons
Thus, some management lessons that can be derived from the Hindu Vedas: