Moderate Islamist
Panshir Valley is a stunning place, the scenery, the trails and the remote villages provide an idyllic backdrop to a region struggling with tribal and ethnic challenges on social democratic levels.
The US Government and the UK Government have funded numerous programs of financial assistance and subject matter experts to develop the Emerald trade. All of this is irrelevant if the programs do not get under the skin of the real people of Panshir.
Family history is more important that religious or tribal handshakes in a similar fashion to the experience you will find in the Highlands of Scotland where your family name is more important than clan or region.
When we see news commentary on moderate rebels being funded multi-million pounds and dollars we seem to be blinded by the fact that this moderate rebel brand does not exist in the real world it's a psychological game by the wise to manipulate the masses within our populations to continue to allow the wise ( or should I say the benefactors) to drain the financial resources of our countries in continued war machinery. Lives are irrelevant children suffering are tools for the wise to manipulate the populations of all countries to continue to supply the tools of war to the moderate terrorists .. oops did I say terrorists I should say soldiers of the wise.
Awake and see no bullets and bombs actually means fighting with knife and stick . They will still fight but will they be so keen to bludgeon the babies with a stick. I'm sure they will.
Merry Christmas