Modelling specification data with NBS
Eleven years since I first presented at the London Revit User Group, tonight I will present again. This group started out focusing on Revit, but quickly expanded its area of interest into modelling construction information in general.
Tonight we will look at some new developments in this area from NBS. I will be presenting with my colleague Chris Vickers. Chris has been with NBS for over five years and prior to that worked at Faulkner Brown Architects in the North East.
1. Modelling specification information
The screenshot below previews the content from our new ‘early stage’ specification library that we are currently finalising. It will allow specifiers to specify earlier in the project, at the level of an element (such as a wall). They can define the requirements and then as the project progresses link the wall element with the constituent systems that meet these requirements.
Following this modelling chain, the specifier can then repeat the process as the design develops by linking to the products that collectively come together to form the system.
2. Sharing more spec information with the 3D model
Those already using the NBS Plug-in for Revit have asked for more information to be shared and coordinated with the 3D model. A designer may wish to display spec notes on a drawing. Furthermore, they may wish to include manufacturer details, product references and hyperlinks to the full product spec within a schedule with the confidence that this is coming directly from the project spec.
Our new Revit plug-in allows this and expands on the number of linked parameters between model and spec.
3. Exporting to IFC
PDF drawings, schedules and specifications are still the most common form of published information from modelled environments (maybe this will change one day?). But increasingly clients and contractors are requesting IFC data which has consistent property sets and can be trusted.
The demonstration will show how to reliably export the NBS information from Revit to IFC so that it appears in consistent property sets.
4. Pointing back to NBS from IFC
A great deal of the information required to build or manage a building from will not be in the IFC file. It will/could live in the cloud. A good example of this is the manufacturer product information in NBS Source. Manufacturers include detailed technical information, third party certification and links to installation and O+M manuals.
It is now possible, using tools such as Solibri, to click on an object in IFC and then view this information, controlled by the manufacturer, in NBS Source.
This presentation is also being recorded as part of the NBS webinar programme. It will play out on 5th October 2023 and can be signed up for (and eventually watched on demand) at:
Additionally, anyone with any questions about specifying in NBS Chorus or how to host their products within NBS Source - please just direct message me.