Model of Performance Indicators in Nuclear Energy Emergency Plan Assessment applied to Emergency Exercises
This paper presents a model of performance indicators applied to nuclear emergency exercises for the assessment of a nuclear energy plan. The model was designed from the relationship between the actions forecasted in a nuclear emergency plan and the objectives challenged in emergency exercises. The nuclear emergency plan comprises a protocol that addresses structures, actions and procedures aimed at controlling and minimizing the effects of a nuclear emergency. The emergency plan is the last level of defense in depth used to ensure nuclear safety. Thus, the emergency plan must be efficient in preparing and organizing current means in order to ensure and assure an adequate protection of the population in the case of accidents in nuclear power plants. The model of performance indicators developed is based on the functional dependence observed in several different nuclear emergency plans, which facilitates the analysis of the state of preparedness of nuclear emergency response organizations. The model allows comparing different stages of preparedness of a nuclear emergency plan as well as nuclear emergency plans for different facilities.
? 2015The Authors.Published by Elsevier B.V.
Crisis, Risk and Business Continuity Management
Keywords: performance indicators; nuclear emergency plan; emergency response exercises.