A Model of Leadership
When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked are in power, they groan. Proverbs 29:2 (NLT)
Good leaders are often mistaken for dictators because they demand excellence and have a clear vision for the future. However, there is a big difference between the two.?Leaders care about their teams and are looking for ways to motivate them.?
Leadership is not about control but about service. It is not about power but empowerment. It is not about manipulation but inspiration. At the same time, dictators are only concerned with having absolute power.? Many people in leadership positions are ambitious. Which by itself is not a bad thing. However, ambition for power is bad, ambition for excellence is good.?Your job is to channel your ambition into being an excellent leader focused on putting others’ needs ahead of your own and raising the bar on effort and performance.?
What is Leadership?
Dr Myles Munroe said “Leadership is the capacity to influence others through INSPIRATION generated by a PASSION motivated by a VISION birth by a conviction produced by a PURPOSE?“
What is the difference between a leader and a Dictator??
One of the greatest Leaders Nelson Mandela,?said the following quotes about leadership. “Real leaders must be ready to sacrifice all for the freedom of their people' A true leader is one who is responsible for his?Self, for his people, for his community, and for his country.
No wonder America's first black President, Barack Obama, in a moving and eloquent tribute, remembered Nelson Mandela as "A man who took history in his hands, and bent the arc of the moral universe toward justice." ?
A leader . . . is like a shepherd. ?“When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in?peace.”?Life is not measured by duration but by donation. We need great leaders in all areas of our Nation. We need great visionary leaders, great educational leaders, great organizational leaders, great medical leaders, and great family leaders. Perhaps one day we can say that most of our political leaders are also great.
What is the difference between a Dictator and a Leader? It is simple: Leader put the interests of those they serve ahead of their own. Dictators, on the other hand, put their own interests ahead of those they serve. But here is the thing: Dictators are not confined to the political arena. There are dictators in organizations, the Corporate World, Institutions, or religious circles who care more about accomplishing their personal agenda than their God-given mission.
If a Dictator does not feel for his people, if he does not feel for his community, if he does not feel for his country, then he is not a true leader at all. And we must also remember that his responsibility does not end in being a good leader. He must also create other better leaders.?A leader who does not create better leaders is not a good leader. Leadership is a great ownership and responsibility. It is a responsibility for himself, his family,?community, country, and finally responsibility for the entire world. All leadership is influence and action. It is initiation. It is pro-activeness. It is responsiveness. It is sensitiveness. It is taking a lead with full awareness and consciousness and taking complete accountability for that lead.
?There are dictators in the marketplace who think only of the next business deal or quarterly earnings report—not the good of their team. On the other hand, a Leader works tirelessly for the good of those they serve. Unlike Dictators, leaders do not sacrifice the good of their followers on the altar of their own ambition. They put the next generation ahead of the next position or election, the good of their team ahead of their agenda, and the success of the cause ahead of their own success. A leader, or a Dictator, can be anyone who has taken up the responsibility of governing a religious entity, company, organization, community, city, state, region or even an entire nation.
So let us look at the following 18 qualities or characteristics of?Dictators vs. Leaders
Dictator vs. Leaders
1. Dictator focus on position ---Leaders focus on disposition
2. Dictator lie on circumstances – Leaders tell the truth in all circumstances 3. Dictators focus on the program--- Leaders focus on principles
4. Dictators focus on promises - Leaders focus on values
5. Dictator focus on mission - Leaders focus on vision
6. Dictators focus on power -- Leaders focus on empowering
7. Dictators focus on safeguarding their seat ---Leaders focus on safeguarding the people
8. Dictators focus on protecting their rights - Leaders focus on protecting others’ rights
9. Dictators focus on next Election - Leaders focus on the next generation
10. Dictators care about themselves and their organization-- Leaders care about the people they serve.
11. Dictators make decisions that help lobbying groups --- Leaders make decisions that help their entire constituency.
12. Dictators spend money on projects that help them - Leaders spend money on long-term projects for the public good.
13. Dictators have difficulty cutting luxury from the budget- Leaders have no problem cutting luxury from the budget.
14. Dictators build and hide in bureaucracy- Leaders fight bureaucracy
15. Dictators point fingers at others and never admit mistakes- Leaders will accept and admit to mistakes.
16. Dictators never learn from their failures- Leaders learn from their errors.
17. Dictators keep their objectives secret; - Leaders establish long-term objectives and communicate them to all.
18. Dictators set bad examples - Leaders set good examples.
Hopefully, you can now see why we have so many problems today, and why we need to fundamentally re-examine the qualities that we require in those people we consider for our leaders.