Model Editor - User Manual
The guide below outlines intended use of Model Editor in Katapult Pro. This guide was written by Onboarding and Training Director, Zach Carlson.
The Model Editor is a tool to help customize and tailor your company's model space(s) to meet your client or market’s needs. Proper use of this tool will streamline your workflows, and put your team in a better position to save time and money.
You can access the Model Editor at any time by opening the “Other Apps” tab in Katapult Pro. Clicking the Model Editor button will open up a new tab and take you to This page is organized by the categories and elements of the model space a user can modify or customize.
To begin, if you are a company with multiple model spaces, first select the model you would like to edit. This can be done by clicking the dropdown located at the top center of the page. Once the correct model space is selected, you can then select what you would like to edit from the left-hand menu.
Attributes are pieces of information which determine the properties of a field in your database. Existing attributes can be seen in the middle of the screen. Here, you can scroll through to select existing attributes to modify them, or you can run a quick search for your attributes using the search bar at the top.
Modifying Attributes:
If you needed to add a new company to your dropdown list that is used when you are annotating existing conditions on your poles, you could search “company” to pull up the current settings for this attribute. Here, we can see the editable options for this attribute.
If you wanted to add a new value to this picklist, you can click the “+” icon, which will add a new row at the bottom of your picklist where a new value (in this case, company name) can be entered. The "shortname" is used to abbreviate longer values so that it is condensed in the picklist during processing.
The "add another attribute" button allows attributes to be added when a certain value is selected. For example, If the company "Katapult Engineering" is selected while annotating, a "grounded" attribute will be added to that marker as well. The trashcan icon at the end of the row will delete the selected option from your picklist. Once any edits are made, save the changes by selecting “Save” at the top right of the page.
Creating A New Attribute:
To create a new attribute, click the "+" icon next to the search bar. This will bring up a menu to enter the attribute name and finish creating it. Once created, the attribute can be easily configured by selecting or entering the desired values.
Attribute Formats:
Textbox - One-line text field where values can be entered
Textarea - Multi-line text field where values can be entered
Checkbox - True/False field editable by checking or unchecking a box
Dropdown - Picklist that enables the correct value to be chosen from a list of other values
Group - Groups attributes together so that adding one attribute to a node, section, or otherwise adds multiple attributes
Table - Allows for multiple attributes to exist under one attribute, and have subset data within a table
Attributes can exist on multiple items within the software. Select all that will apply.
Attributes can be organized into specific categories located within the Node Information panel. You can choose existing groupings or edit/create your own group here as well.
You can also decide if the attribute will be used for internal use only. If “Hide This Attribute in Read Only Mode” is selected, the attribute won’t appear once the job is shared to a user with read-only access.
"Sort Order" pertains to order attributes are displayed in the node info panel. The smaller the value, the higher up it will appear in the list, and the higher the value, the lower it will appear.
Dropdown Attributes:
If a dropdown attribute is created, there will also be a picklist creation option. Here, you can add a picklist name by selecting the “+” icon. Once you name the picklist, click “Add Picklist” to start creating the list of values needed. To add more values, click the “Add Picklist Item” button. After the appropriate lists are created, hit “Save” at the top right to save the attribute.
Group Attributes:
If a group attribute is created, there will also be an option to select what attributes to add automatically when it is created.
A good example for this is a birthmark attribute. Here, when the "birthmark" is added to a node, three attributes (Pole Class, Pole Height, and Pole Species) will be added.
To add attributes to your new group attribute, select the desired attribute from the “Choose an attribute to add” dropdown. If you accidentally add an attribute, click the X to the right of the value to remove it from the attributes to add. After the attribute is created as desired, hit “Save” at the top right of the page to save the attribute.
Table Attributes:
If a table attribute is created, you can choose to duplicate attribute or duplicate and increment to help keep track of how many rows you have.
You can also choose if you want to combine similar rows or not. If selected, the software will look for the same pieces of data so that duplicate results are not added, or so you do not have to worry about having to look for multiple attributes to get a total value.
Just like a group attribute, the table attribute allows you to pick what attributes to include in the table. Choose from the dropdown and select whether or not the attribute should be in the display,or is required (or both). After the attribute is created as desired, hit “Save” at the top right of the page to save the attribute.
Mapping Buttons
Mapping Buttons are tools that create, insert, or provide a custom function to streamline workflows in Katapult Maps. You can scroll through buttons to find already created buttons or hit the “+” icon to add and create a new button.
Modifying Mapping Buttons:
If you needed to edit the aerial button, you could search or type “aerial” to pull up the current settings. Here, we can see the editable options for this button.
The color and button function can all be changed here, but if you now wanted a certain attribute like Pole Tag to be added when the aerial button is used, you can add it under “Add Attribute.”
Once the button is configured, make sure to hit the “Save” button at the top right of the page.
Creating New Mapping Buttons:
To create a new mapping button, click the “+” icon next to the search bar. This will bring up a menu to enter the mapping button name and create it. Once created, the mapping button can be easily configured by entering the desired values.
The first prompt will be a description of what the button does so that its purpose can easily be referenced at a later time.
Next, by clicking on the pencil and paint can icons, you can adjust the button's shape and color.
Draw Node - Draws a node onto the map with no connection
Draw Connection - Draws a connection between two nodes on the map
Draw Node and Connection - Draws a node followed by a connection on the map
Break & Insert - Breaks an already existing connection and inserts a node. Then rejoins the connections
Insert Section - Inserts a section along an existing connection
Custom Function - Please email [email protected] for custom button requests.
*If you have the Mobile Assessment Module you will also have a Mobile Assessment option. Please refer to our Mobile Assessment Documentation for detailed instruction on creating a Mobile Assessment Workflow.
Depending on the type of button, there will be options to add attributes to the node, connection, or both. By selecting the “Add Attribute” dropdown, you can manually set what attributes are added automatically when a node is placed or a connection is made. For the “Attributes for Node” there are also two options for the button: "Open Attributes For Editing" and "Take Map Focus While Drawing."
If you are creating a button that involves connections, there will also be a polyline toggle. The polyline feature is used to create connections that can have different coordinates and creates a string between them. This is extremely useful in creating curved lines.?Once the button is created click “Save” at the top right in order to save the mapping button.?
If you want to test the button to make sure it is working correctly, you can enter a “Sandbox” by clicking the top right button. This button will open up a test job in the mobile interface where you can ensure the mapping button is working correctly. If any tweaks are needed, return to the Mapping Button in Model Editor and make and save the necessary changes.
Mapping Toolsets
Mapping Toolsets allow you to organize Mapping Buttons by making Button Groups, so that you can quickly switch between buttons. You can see the current list of groups in the middle panel.
To make edits to current toolsets, click on the one you would like to tweak. You can adjust the name of the toolset by changing the “Button Group Name” section at the top. The order will determine what order the groups appear in the "Tools" dropdown in Katapult Maps. As with attribute priority, the lower number will appear higher up in the list, and a higher number will appear towards the bottom.
You can add buttons to the toolset by searching the “Add Button” dropdown and locating existing buttons that you want to add.
*Note: You can have a Mapping Button be an option in multiple Toolsets.
When you first add a button, it will appear at the top of the list. You can change its position by dragging the re-ordering handle to the left of its icon.
You can also set keyboard shortcuts for any and all of the buttons in a toolset. Once order and shortcuts have been set, hit the “Save” button at the top right of the page to save the toolset.
If you need to create a new button group with the toolset, click on the “Add Button Group.” This will open up a window to "Create the Button Group."
Creating a button group will open up a blank group, setting the order to 1 so that it is the first group to appear in the tools dropdown in Katapult Maps. Set the order and add the buttons to the new Group. Once complete, hit the “Save” button at the top right of the page to save the Group to Toolsets.
WMS Layers
WMS Layers are web map service layers that allow you to access the geospatial data from a server and add the contents to Katapult Maps as a map base. If you find imagery you want to use, you can contact [email protected], and we can upload the layer to your map base options.
Files can also be uploaded to the Model Editor to be used in deliverables. To upload a file, such as a company logo or image, click on the blue “+” icon at the bottom right of the page.
Once you select the file to upload, click “Start Upload” to begin the upload process. You will see the progress bar go up, and, once complete, the file will be added to the top of Uploaded Files.
The three dot menu to the left of the file name will allow you to rename, download, or delete the file.
Photo Forms
The Photo Form is a custom deliverable photo of the pole. Here you can set custom colors, add or remove attributes, and upload a company logo to the photo deliverable. You can also have multiple Photo Form templates so that each market can have its own form.
In the middle panel, you can search for already made Photo Forms to edit, or you can create a new one by clicking the “Add Photo Form” button to the right of the “Search Photo Forms” menu.
When editing the Photo Form, the software will open an example photo of a pole so that you can see how your changes will look.
You are able to scroll through the options bar to format the form. Under "Page Info" and "Attribute Info," you can add or remove attributes to decide what data is displayed in the form. Drag the re-order handle to change the order of the attributes on the form.
The "Logo" section allows you to choose an image from your files to add to the bottom of the form. These files are managed from the "Files" tab of the Model Editor.
Once you are finished modifying or creating a new Photo Form, click “Save” at the top right of the page to save that Photo Form.
Map Prints
Maps Prints are a custom deliverable that are created and modified within a job in Katapult Maps. You are able to rename or delete current templates within the model editor, but for creation and editing please refer to the Map Prints documentation.
Saved Views
Saved Views are custom map bases that are created and modified within a job in Maps. You are able to rename or delete current views within the model editor, but for creation and editing please refer to the Saved Views documentation.
Make Ready Clearances
Katapult Pro Make Ready uses clearances that are programmed into the software to automatically calculate violations during the make ready process. The rules and clearances are stored under this section of Model Editor. The MR Clearances displays the list of wires and equipment that have rulesets set up in the software. You can duplicate or delete a rule at any time by clicking the three dot menu to the right of the name of the rule.
*Note: MR Clearances are autosaved, so there is no need to save after each edit. For this reason, only proficient uses should modify this section. If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected].
Clicking the dropdown arrow expands the clearances for the wire or equipment at the pole and midspan. Below, we'll describe the expanded information:
Item Details
The item details contains the Marker Type and the Marker Attribute or Trace Attributes that exist for that type.
For example, when modifying clearances for fiber attachments, the "Marker Type" is set to "wire," and because we want to set?rules for "Fiber Optic Coms," we need to set that as the cable_type. Also, because this attribute is contained under the trace tab in annotations, it should be added to the Trace Attribute section:
*Helpful Reminder:
Pole Clearances
If the "Marker Type" is set to "wire" or "equipment," there will be a section to edit or add Pole Clearances.
In the above example, we can see that a wire that is labeled as a Fiber needs to be 40 inches below a neutral at the pole, and this rule needs to be applied to both proposed and existing conditions.
If you need to add a new clearance, scroll to the bottom of the Pole Clearance section of the marker and there will be a “+ clearance” button that you can select. When you click this button, it will add a row to the bottom where you can fill in the clearance requirements, direction, and item.
Midspan Clearances
If the "Marker Type" is set to "wire," there will also be a section to edit or add Midspan Clearances.
In the above example, we can see that a wire that is labeled as a Fiber needs to be 30 inches below a neutral at the midspan, and this rule needs to be applied to both proposed and existing conditions.
*Note - For Midspan clearances you can set distances between wires and you can set distances that wires need to be over certain types of midspans.
Helpful Hints
You can create a new clearance rule by clicking the blue “+” icon at the bottom right of the page. This will create a blank ruleset at the bottom to start modifying.
*Remember, it is easy to duplicate a ruleset from the three dot menu and rename the copy to be the new rule you need. This saves time and creates a framework for your rules that you can easily modify clearance distances or items.
Order matters within your MR clearance rules. For example, a more specific wire will need to be placed above a less specific wire of the same type. For example If you have a rule for a street light and a rule for a grounded street light, the grounded version will have that extra attribute, so that ruleset will need to be placed before the non-grounded ruleset.
You can move the rulesets around by grabbing the number to the left of the rule and dragging up or down.
Pay attention to marker type and attributes when you are creating new rules. Here are some common examples of make ready rules users may add:
Telco - The "Marker Type" will be "wire," and we will look for cable_type under trace attributes because that is where the attribute exists in Katapult Photos during annotation step. Because it is a wire, you can adjust both its pole and midspan clearances.
Cutout - The "Marker Type" will be "equipment," and we will look for equipment_type under marker attributes because that is where the attribute exists in Katapult Photos during the annotation step. Because it is equipment, you will only be able to set its pole clearances.
Yard (over attribute type) - The "Marker Type" will be ground_marker, which you will see defined in Photos at the base of the stick in Midspan Photos. We will look for the attribute “over” under Marker Attributes, because this attribute exists on the marker tab of the Ground Marker in Photos. Because it is a midspan classification, you will only be able to set midspan clearances.
*Again, all changes and edits to the MR Clearance section are auto saved. If you make accidental changes or have questions, contact [email protected].
Once your model space has been edited and saved using the Model Editor, it is time to return back to Katapult Maps to make use of these new workflow improvements!