"Targalt edasi"? Conference in Tallinn: Discussing Smart Solutions for Sustainable Mobility and Transport

"Targalt edasi" Conference in Tallinn: Discussing Smart Solutions for Sustainable Mobility and Transport

On January 25, entrepreneurs, researchers and the public sector gathered in Tallinn to discuss at the "Targalt edasi" ("Smart Way Forward") conference how to match smart solutions with more traditional forms of mobility, so that transport and #mobility better meet the real needs of commuters.

In the opening remarks of the conference, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia Ahti Kuningas stated that no outstanding mobility projects have been implemented in #Estonia for a long time. The last major project, Rail Baltic, has brought public attention to the connectivity topic, although some still doubt the necessity of this rail project.

According to Kuningas, it is now necessary to focus on climate goals when developing transport. For example, to go for more sustainable solutions instead of using cars, to put effort into planning a nationwide ticket system and route network (where the willingness of each local government to contribute is important).

Since the goal in Europe is to become climate neutral by 2050, it is necessary to reduce the amount of emissions from the most polluting sectors, including transport. Climate panel moderator Ragmar Saksing from the Tehnopoli business campus explained that emissions from transportation must be reduced by 90%. Smart transport and logistics systems and supportive legislation play a big role here.

Progress towards goals must be measured based on data. Argo Verk from Ridango suggests that problems can be addressed by taking a comprehensive approach to providing services that align with people's behaviors and habits, using data as a guide. He refers that Tartu is an example for other cities in terms of the use of data and the number of projects that have actually been implemented from pilot projects. Deputy Mayor of Tartu Raimond Tamm explained what has been done to design a sustainable city. Efforts are being made to reduce car traffic in the city by encouraging bicycle traffic, for example, there are plans to forcefully separatethe space between different types of vehicles and pedestrians on the main streets. Success lies in bold decisions.

Argo Verk suggests that similar to the city of Tartu, alternative technical solutions can be implemented to optimize the route network in Tallinn by analyzing data on the usage of public transportation received from ticket validations and other patterns of movement within the city.

Deputy Mayor of Tallinn, Tanel Kiik, adds that people's expectations have also evolved as their behavior habits change. They now want the development of pedestrian sideways and convenient, accessible public transportation. The need for cars will not disappear completely, but the volume of car traffic should be reduced.

P?rnu County serves as a great example of taking bold action when it comes to public transport. According to Andrus K?rpuk, manager of the P?rnu Public Transport Center, P?rnu is one of the few counties without free public transport. Despite increasing ticket prices, passengers have approved of the changes, as they have led to improved service. The county has also successfully obtained EU subsidies to improve infrastructure, particularly in sparsely populated areas. They have created 7 minibus stations with guarded bicycle storage facilities to address the #lastmile problem of transportation. K?rpuk believes that addressing public transport and practical solutions for the last mile should be a national priority, not just left to individual municipalities.

The conference ended with the election debate "From car-centric to human-centric mobility - whether, how and when?", where representatives of all major political parties were present. Fierce debates were held on the topic of abandoning free transport, the possibilities of improving the connectivity of rural areas, directing cars out of urban areas and the need for the emergence of a green, car-free mindset.

The conference was organized in cooperation by ITS Estonia , TalTech – Tallinn University of Technology and Traffest



