Mobile WorkShop - Mobile Site Specifics
As always, we hope you spend your week working hard, but when you're taking a breath on the weekend, think a little harder about the big picture. To help you along, here is section 4 of the Kaszek Mobile Playbook, Mobile Site Specifics. This is a short and sweet section because most of the best practices for sites and apps are merging, especially with PWAs becoming more and more relevant, however, at the creation of this doc, PWAs only existed in FlipKart, Yop, and a few others, let's dive in anyways, because its still relevant for most startups!
Just a reminder:
The Workshop outline:
- Pre-Product
- Tenets of Navigation for Mobile
- Tenets of Mobile Experience
- Mobile Site Specifics
- Baby Steps Toward App Success
- Growth
- Churn
- The Future
- Thoughts on All the Apps Featured!
With Google's mobile first indexation, this is more important than ever!
Page speed is a matter of pride (PSIAMOP!)
And as always, take some time to do the exercises. Make sure you're taking some time to focus on these pages even though Native, PWA, and AMP are more fun these days!