Mobile & Wireless Roundup #27
Welcome to the 27th edition of this newsletter. It’s just over a month remaining for the Mobile World Congress (#MWC23) and I have already started receiving pitches and invites. I am looking forward to the event, not just for meeting colleagues, friends and other contacts but also to attend some of the talks/meetings but the most important thing for me are the demos of what’s coming next. If you have something interesting and unique, do let me know. Happy to receive messages on LinkedIn.
For those of you who don’t know me, I am a technologist with over 23 years’ experience in mobile wireless technology, currently working as an independent analyst, consultant and a trainer. This newsletter is a summary of my posts and others news that caught my attention since the last newsletter.
? 6G
? 5G
? Open RAN/vRAN
? Spectrum
? Small Cells
? IoT / M2M / Smart Homes
? Security & Privacy
? Smartphones, Devices, Wearables & Gadgets
? Satellite Connectivity
? Metaverse
? Public Safety Networks
? Sustainability
? Other News and Technology Stuff
? Picture of the week: ITU Radiocommunication (ITU-R) Study Groups at work (source)
Happy to hear your thoughts. Feel free let me know what worked, what didn’t, how I can make this better, etc. Get in touch over LinkedIn!
PDF version of this and previous newsletters are available here.