Mobile Testing Challenges

Mobile Testing Challenges

Mobile devices are the norm in any environment or workplace, and the adoption of wearables is on the rise. This has led to a number of testing approaches, processes and systems. Everything from wearables, operating system fragmentation, screen real-estate, native, hybrid and web applications all run on different devices. But is the testing of all this really as complicated as we are making it out to be? Or is it possible that we’re overcomplicating our approach?

To streamline your mobile testing strategy, here are the things that should be considered

1. Optioning System Versioning

A unique code is available for each mobile platform version. These codes have to be built into your app to ensure that the app works on different devices, regardless of whether a user has upgraded to the latest version or not. The different versions of OS can have a massive impact on the way that your application functions on different devices, which is why various devices need to be used during the testing process in order to fully test the application. Some of the compatibility issues relating to different devices include variations in mobile navigation and component behaviour not always being predictable on different operating systems and devices.

2. Different Devices – Phones, Tablets and Wearables

Mobile app testing can be an expensive, lengthy and error-filled process if it isn’t planned properly. Testing with real devices is a must as it has the hardware, firmware and operating systems that are used by your target consumers.

3. Screen Size (Real-Estate) Fragmentation

With limited mobile real-estate, minute details such as click area size, readability and the font size of the content on the screen are all things that need to be tested for. Fragmentation also means that new mobile apps must be able to support the older OS and Android APIs. Software testers have to test for this.

4. Application Architecture

When compared to apps and games that are designed for direct use, mobile app development becomes increasingly complex when they need to interact with IT systems and applications. Native apps, as well as hybrid apps that communicate with all platforms (including Ionic, Angular Mobile, Sencha Touch, Xamarin, React Native, etc.) and web apps that are responsive mobile versions of websites all require integration with existing computing systems, web services and legacy applications.

5. Network Usage and Connection Type

Mobiles use network connections like 2G, 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi, as opposed to broadband internet connections. This means that everything from usability testing to automation tools that work on a desktop version might not work as smoothly on a mobile app. Developers, therefore, have to find a work-a-round solution to address these differences.

6. Automation and Performance Testing

Take into consideration how automation and performance testing will fit into the bigger picture of your mobile testing strategy. Often, these aspects introduce more complexity into the process. Automation is a crucial part of regression testing when the app is being developed. However, the time investment that it requires means that it should only be used in specific scenarios, such as:

·     In the instance where the development cycle is long,

·     In the case when the frequency of regression testing is high, and/or

·     When the application is growing.

7. The Plethora of Tools Available to Use in Testing

The sheer number of tools that are available for testing can become mind-boggling. It can greatly overcomplicate your testing process. Simulators and emulators can make the testing easier. But, on the other hand, unfortunately these don’t always give you the insights that you need about user experience.

8. Emulators Vs Real Devices

How and on which devices you should be doing your mobile app testing, will be determined as follows:

. Real devices:

Real devices are vital when you want to test the performance and functionality of the app.

. Emulators:

Emulators are useful when you are doing quality assurance and interface testing.

Of course, there may be instances when you will want to or may need to make use of both real devices and emulators.

9. Integration with OS and the Use of Assistants

Digital assistants like Siri, Alexa and Cortana use powerful artificial intelligence engines to present customised answers to questions. Mobile app developers need to consider how they can integrate their apps into iOS and other systems with the self-service APIs, tools, code samples and documentation that platforms like Apple, Google and Amazon have made available for these purposes.

10. Biometrics and The Use of Camera Quality

Instead of using your credit card to pay for items, you will be able to pull back your hair and show your face to a cashier’s camera to pay. This photo is matched with a database and linked to your bank account. While this scenario seems a bit futuristic, biometrics like fingerprint scanning are already the norm in many mobile apps. Consider how you are going to create apps that scan or read unique-to-you features of people without opening users up to security and privacy concerns.

Need help with your mobile app development or testing? Then contact DVT today.


