Mobile payments, inclusive AI, gain-of-function studies, legitimate national rights, and “Buy Now, Refund Now”

Mobile payments, inclusive AI, gain-of-function studies, legitimate national rights, and “Buy Now, Refund Now”

Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:

  • 功能增益研究? [gōng néng zēng yì yán jiū]? gain-of-function study:?


China has also made it clear more than once that the Wuhan Institute of Virology has never engaged in gain-of-function studies of coronavirus. Never has it designed, made or leaked COVID-19.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 12, 2025)

  • 关于发展包容、可持续的人工智能造福人类与地球的声明? [guān yú fā zhǎn bāo róng, kě chíxù de rén gōng zhì néng zào fú rén lèi yǔ dì qiú de shēng míng]? Statement on Inclusive and Sustainable Artificial Intelligence for People and the Planet (issued at the Artificial Intelligence Action Summit, February 10-11, 2025, Paris France):?


From February 10 to 11 [2025], President Xi Jinping’s special representative, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council Zhang Guoqing attended the Artificial Intelligence Action Summit in France. In his address, Vice Premier Zhang stressed that President Xi Jinping put forward the Global Initiative for AI Governance, which contributed China’s solution and wisdom for the major question of our times. The international community should work together to advocate the principle of AI for good, deepen cooperation on innovation, strengthen the inclusive development of AI for the benefit of all, improve global governance and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind. Participants praised China’s progress and principles of governance on AI, and major initiatives and measures on international AI cooperation. The Summit released an outcome document entitled the Statement on Inclusive and Sustainable Artificial Intelligence for People and the Planet and spoke highly of China’s effort in advancing the adoption of the resolution entitled “Enhancing International Cooperation on Capacity-building of Artificial Intelligence” at the UN General Assembly and mentioned the 2025 World AI Conference to be hosted by China as an AI milestone. China’s signing of this document shows our positive attitude toward promoting development and global governance of AI. China will continue to follow the principle of wide consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits to step up exchanges and cooperation with various parties, and develop AI for global development and the good of humanity.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 12, 2025)

  • 即买即退? [jí mǎi jí tuì]? Buy Now, Refund Now:?


Localities and departments in China also rolled out facilitating measures in the cultural and tourism sector in an effort to support the visa-free policies, such as higher clearance efficiency, more convenient language services, better accommodation, catering, sightseeing and other services throughout the travelers’ journey, and the pilot “Buy Now, Refund Now” service for efficient departure tax refunds.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 12, 2025)

  • 加强人工智能能力建设国际合作? [jiā qiáng rén gōng zhì néng néng lì jiàn shè guó jì hé zuò]? Enhancing International Cooperation on Capacity-building of Artificial Intelligence (U.N. General Assembly resolution):?

Today’s quote:


From February 10 to 11 [2025], President Xi Jinping’s special representative, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council Zhang Guoqing attended the Artificial Intelligence Action Summit in France. In his address, Vice Premier Zhang stressed that President Xi Jinping put forward the Global Initiative for AI Governance, which contributed China’s solution and wisdom for the major question of our times. The international community should work together to advocate the principle of AI for good, deepen cooperation on innovation, strengthen the inclusive development of AI for the benefit of all, improve global governance and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind. Participants praised China’s progress and principles of governance on AI, and major initiatives and measures on international AI cooperation. The Summit released an outcome document entitled the Statement on Inclusive and Sustainable Artificial Intelligence for People and the Planet and spoke highly of China’s effort in advancing the adoption of the resolution entitled “Enhancing International Cooperation on Capacity-building of Artificial Intelligence” at the UN General Assembly and mentioned the 2025 World AI Conference to be hosted by China as an AI milestone. China’s signing of this document shows our positive attitude toward promoting development and global governance of AI. China will continue to follow the principle of wide consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits to step up exchanges and cooperation with various parties, and develop AI for global development and the good of humanity.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 12, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 当前,人工智能技术快速发展并开始广泛应用,已成为新一轮科技革命和产业变革的重要驱动力量。作为人工智能大国,中国高度重视人工智能技术的发展与应用问题,尤其关注加强广大发展中国家的能力建设,积极致力于帮助他们从中获益,确保“全球南方”国家有机会深入参与人工智能全球治理进程。在此背景下,中方在今年联合国大会提出“加强人工智能能力建设国际合作”决议,获得协商一致通过,143个国家联署。作为该决议的后续行动,中国和联合国于9月3日至6日在上海共同主办人工智能能力建设研讨班,来自近40个国家的代表参加,联合国秘书长古特雷斯出席开班式。本次研讨班将通过专家授课、互动交流、参访调研等多种方式,帮助“全球南方”国家代表深入了解人工智能技术发展现状及趋势,不断弥合智能鸿沟。中方将继续致力于向国际社会提供公共产品,以实际行动支持发展中国家实现发展,促进人工智能造福全人类。?

The rapid development and wide application of AI has made it an important driver of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. As a major country in the field of AI, China attaches great importance to the development and application of AI, especially on strengthening the capacity building of the vast developing world. China is actively committed to helping fellow developing countries benefit from AI, and ensuring that countries of the Global South have the opportunity to be sufficiently involved in global AI governance. Against this backdrop, China submitted a draft resolution during this year’s UN General Assembly entitled “Enhancing International Cooperation on Capacity-building of Artificial Intelligence”, which was adopted by consensus and co-sponsored by 143 countries. As a follow-up action of this resolution, China, together with the UN, is holding the Seminar on Capacity Building of Artificial Intelligence in Shanghai from September 3 to 6. Representatives from nearly 40 countries are participating in the seminar. UN Secretary-General António Guterres attended the opening ceremony. This seminar will help representatives from the Global South to gain a deep understanding of current progress and trends in AI development through expert lectures, exchanges, visits and surveys, thus bridging the AI divide. China will continue to provide the world with such public goods, take concrete steps to support developing countries in achieving development and use AI to benefit the entire humanity.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 3, 2024)?

?? 中方举办了2024世界人工智能大会暨人工智能全球治理高级别会议,发表了《人工智能全球治理上海宣言》,同各方推动联合国大会通过加强人工智能能力建设国际合作决议。?

China hosted the 2024 World AI Conference and High-Level Meeting on Global AI Governance, and issued the Shanghai Declaration on Global AI Governance. Together with other parties, China promoted the adoption of a U.N. General Assembly resolution on enhancing international cooperation on AI capacity-building.? (Xi_Jinping_Speech_Working Together for a Fair and Equitable Global Governance System_携手构建公正合理的全球治理体系_at the Session II of the 19th G20 Summit on the Reform of the Institutions of Global Governance [2024.11.18] )?

?? 人工智能大国之间的合作很重要,发展中国家的能力建设也很重要。我们将适时向联大提交“加强人工智能能力建设国际合作”的决议草案,以促进各方加强技术共享,努力弥合智能鸿沟,不让任何国家掉队。?

In the field of AI, cooperation between major countries is vital, so is capacity-building for developing countries. We will submit in due course to the U.N. General Assembly a draft resolution on enhancing international cooperation on capacity-building of artificial intelligence in order to encourage technology sharing among parties, bridge the AI divide, and leave no one behind.? (Wang Yi Meets the Press_2024_03_07)

  • 加沙? [jiā shā]? Gaza:?

Today’s quote:

... 加沙是巴勒斯坦人的加沙,是巴勒斯坦领土不可分割的一部分。中方坚定支持巴勒斯坦人民的民族合法权利,始终认为“巴人治巴”是加沙战后治理必须坚持的重要原则,我们反对针对加沙民众的强制迁移。当前形势下,国际社会特别是大国应为落实加沙停火协议、推动加沙人道援助和重建发挥建设性作用。?

... , Gaza belongs to the Palestinian people. It is an inalienable part of the territory of Palestine. China firmly supports the legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people, believes that “the Palestinians governing Palestine” is an important principle that must be upheld in the post-conflict governance of Gaza, and opposes the forced displacement of the people of Gaza. Under the current circumstances, the international community, major countries in particular, needs to play a constructive role in implementing the ceasefire deal, and promoting the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza and reconstruction there.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 12, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 加沙是巴勒斯坦人的加沙,是巴勒斯坦领土不可分割的一部分,不是政治交易的筹码,更不能成为弱肉强食的对象。加沙已经饱受战火摧残,满目疮痍,哀鸿遍野,国际社会特别是大国应携手为加沙人道援助和重建雪中送炭,而不是雪上加霜。中方坚定支持巴勒斯坦人民的民族合法权利,始终认为“巴人治巴”是加沙战后治理必须坚持的重要原则,反对针对加沙民众的强制迁移。中方愿与国际社会一道努力,以“两国方案”为根本出路,推动巴勒斯坦问题早日得到公正的政治解决,即建立以1967年边界为基础、以东耶路撒冷为首都、享有完全主权的独立的巴勒斯坦国。?

Gaza belongs to the Palestinian people. It is an inalienable part of the territory of Palestine, not a bargaining chip for political games, still less a prey of the strong. The war has already left Gaza in devastation and suffering. The international community, major countries in particular, should join hands to make Gaza better, rather than worse, by providing humanitarian assistance and helping with its reconstruction. China firmly supports the legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people, believes that “the Palestinians governing Palestine” is an important principle that must be upheld in the post-conflict governance of Gaza, and opposes the forced displacement of the people of Gaza. China stands ready to work with the rest of the world for the realization of the two-State solution as the fundamental way forward, and for an early, just political settlement of the Palestinian question, namely, the establishment of an independent State of Palestine that enjoys full sovereignty based on the 1967 border and with east Jerusalem as its capital.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 6, 2025)?

?? 我们高度重视在加沙中国公民的安全,一直与他们保持密切联系,并尽可能提供帮助。目前外交部正在协调各方协助中国公民尽快离开加沙。?

We attach high importance to the safety of Chinese nationals in Gaza. We have been in close touch with them and provided help as much as we can. The Foreign Ministry is coordinating with relevant parties to assist Chinese nationals in exiting Gaza as soon as possible.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on November 2, 2023)

  • 检视自己? [jiǎn shì zì jǐ]? reflect on oneself; take a look at oneself:?

Today’s quote:


China has also made it clear more than once that the Wuhan Institute of Virology has never engaged in gain-of-function studies of coronavirus. Never has it designed, made or leaked COVID-19.? On the origins-tracing of the virus, China firmly opposes all forms of political manipulation. The U.S. needs to take a hard look at itself, rather than shirk responsibilities to others.

(Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 12, 2025)??

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 我们奉劝美方检视自己在乌克兰问题上发挥的作用,纠正拱火浇油的错误行径,停止向中方甩锅推责。?

We call on the US to reflect on its own role in the Ukraine issue, stop fueling the flames, and stop deflecting the blame on China.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 22, 2023)?

?? 美国应该反躬自省,深刻检视自己的所作所为,放弃傲慢与偏见,摒弃霸权霸道霸凌。?

The United States must conduct serious soul-searching. It must critically examine what it has done, let go of its arrogance and prejudice, and quit its hegemonic, domineering and bullying practices.? (US Hegemony and Its Perils_美国的霸权霸道霸凌及其危害_2023_02_20)

  • 开源? [kāi yuan]? open source:?

Today’s quote:


China is also an advocate of inclusive AI. We have helped developing countries enhance capacity building, advocating that AI technologies should be open-sourced and there should be greater accessibility to AI services.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 12, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 中方积极推动人工智能普惠发展,帮助发展中国家加强能力建设,主张开源人工智能技术,促进人工智能服务的可及性,实现各国共享智能红利。?

China is also an advocate of inclusive AI. We have helped developing countries enhance capacity building, advocating that AI technologies should be open sourced and there should be greater accessibility to AI services so that the benefits of AI can be shared by all countries.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 10, 2025)?

?? 围绕制造业等重点产业链、集中优质资源合力推进关键核心技术攻关、加快推进自主创新产品、自主开源技术等迭代应用。?

Focusing on manufacturing and other key industrial chains, we will pool the best resources to make breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields and advance the iterative application of independently-innovated products and independently-developed open source technologies.? (Report on the Implementation of the 2022 Plan for National Economic and Social Development and on the 2023 Draft Plan for National Economic and Social Development_2023_03_05)?

?? 全球流感共享数据库的新冠病毒开源数据显示,疫情暴发后三年内,美国几乎流行过所有新冠病毒变种毒株及其分支,是存在新冠病毒变种毒株最多的国家之一。?

The open-access data of GISAID has shown that over the past three years since COVID began, almost all COVID variants and their sub-variants have spread widely in the US, making it one of the countries with more COVID variants than others.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 9, 2023)

  • 民族合法权利? [mín zú hé fǎ quán lì]? legitimate national rights:?

Today’s quote:


China firmly supports the legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people, believes that “the Palestinians governing Palestine” is an important principle that must be upheld in the post-conflict governance of Gaza, and opposes the forced displacement of the people of Gaza.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 12, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 解决巴以冲突循环往复的根本出路是落实“两国方案”,恢复巴勒斯坦民族合法权利,建立独立的巴勒斯坦国。?

The fundamental way out of the cycle of Palestinian-Israeli conflict lies in the implementation of the two-State solution, the restoration of Palestine’s legitimate national rights, and the establishment of an independent State of Palestine.? (Xi_Jinping_Speech_Working Together for a Fair and Equitable Global Governance System_携手构建公正合理的全球治理体系_at the Session II of the 19th G20 Summit on the Reform of the Institutions of Global Governance [2024.11.18] )?

?? 我多次强调,解决巴以冲突循环往复的根本出路是落实“两国方案”,恢复巴勒斯坦民族合法权利,建立独立的巴勒斯坦国。?

I have emphasized on many occasions that the only viable way to break the cycle of Palestinian-Israeli conflict lies in the two-state solution, in the restoration of the legitimate national rights of Palestine, and in the establishment of an independent State of Palestine.? (Xi_Jinping_Remarks at the BRICS Extraordinary Virtual Summit on the Palestinian-Israeli Issue_2023_12_21)?

?? 根据安理会相关决议和有关国际共识,解决巴勒斯坦问题的根本出路是落实“两国方案”,恢复巴勒斯坦民族合法权利,建立以1967年边界为基础、以东耶路撒冷为首都、享有完全主权的独立的巴勒斯坦国。? According to relevant UNSC resolutions and international consensus, the fundamental settlement of the question of

Palestine lies in the implementation of the two-state solution, restoration of the legitimate national rights of Palestine, and the establishment of an independent State of Palestine that enjoys full sovereignty based on the 1967 border and with east Jerusalem as its capital.? (Position Paper of the People’s Republic of China on Resolving the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict_中国关于解决巴以冲突的立场文件_2023_11_30)?

?? 中国坚定支持巴勒斯坦人民恢复民族合法权利的正义事业。解决巴勒斯坦问题的根本出路在于建立以1967年边界为基础、以东耶路撒冷为首都、享有完全主权的独立的巴勒斯坦国。?

China firmly supports the Palestinian people’s just cause of restoring their legitimate national rights. The fundamental solution to the Palestinian question is to establish an independent state of Palestine that enjoys full sovereignty on the basis of the 1967 border and with east Jerusalem as its capital.? (Proposal of the People’s Republic of China on the Reform and Development of Global Governance_《关于全球治理变革和建设的中国方案》_2023_09_13)

  • 命运相连? [mìng yùn xiāng lián]? share the same future; linked future:?

Today’s quote:


Let me also stress that in a world where countries share an interconnected future, cultural exchange and mutual learning is increasingly becoming a bridge for friendship, a driving force of human progress and a bond holding together world peace.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 12, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 无论数字技术如何创新发展,无论国际环境如何风云变幻,每个人都在网络空间休戚与共、命运相连。?

Everyone shares weal and woe in cyberspace no matter how innovative digital technology develops and how the international situation changes.? (White_Paper_Jointly Build a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace_ 携手构建网络空间命运共同体_2022_11_07)?

?? 中国和巴基斯坦山水相邻、命运相连。?

China and Pakistan are neighbors connected by mountains and rivers. Our futures are linked together.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 30, 2022)?

?? 这场疫情再次昭示我们,人类荣辱与共、命运相连。?

The pandemic is yet another reminder that we humanity rise and fall together with a shared future.? (Xi_Jinping_Working Together to Build a Global Community of Health for All_ 携手共建人类卫生健康共同体 [2021.5.21] )?

?? 大家都意识到,身处全球化时代,彼此命运相连,休戚与共,需要的是团队精神,而不是各行其是;是同舟共济,而不是独善其身。

There’s a growing realization that in the age of globalization, all countries share the same destiny – we rise and fall together. Therefore, instead of each going his own way, we should act as a team; instead of each minding his own business, we should help each other as passengers in the same boat.? There’s a growing realization that in the age of globalization, all countries share the same destiny – we rise and fall together. Therefore, instead of each going his own way, we should act as a team; instead of each minding his own business, we should help each other as passengers in the same boat.? (Wang_Yi_State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi Meets the Press_国务委员兼外交部长王毅就中国外交政策和对外关系回答中外记者提问_2019_03_08)

  • 人工智能普惠? [rén gōng zhì néng pǔ huì]? inclusive AI:?

Today’s quote:


China is also an advocate of inclusive AI. We have helped developing countries enhance capacity building, advocating that AI technologies should be open-sourced and there should be greater accessibility to AI services.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 12, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 中方积极推动人工智能普惠发展,帮助发展中国家加强能力建设,主张开源人工智能技术,促进人工智能服务的可及性,实现各国共享智能红利。同时,我们反对以意识形态划线,反对泛化国家安全概念、将经贸科技问题政治化的做法。

?China is also an advocate of inclusive AI. We have helped developing countries enhance capacity building, advocating that AI technologies should be open sourced and there should be greater accessibility to AI services so that the benefits of AI can be shared by all countries. That said, we are against drawing lines along ideological difference, overstretching the concept of national security, or politicizing trade and tech issues.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 10, 2025)

  • 移动支付? [yí dòng zhī fù]? mobile payment:?

Today’s quote:


Having first-hand experience of folk custom in China seem to have become quite trendy during this year’s Spring Festival, and the Chinese people welcomed foreign visitors with warm hospitality. Top destinations in China have enabled foreign tourists to make mobile payments smoothly and conveniently.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 12, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 为解决外籍人员移动支付难的问题,中国人民银行指导支付机构提高绑卡效率、简化身份验证安排、提高移动支付单笔交易限额;北京推动重点商圈、景点、公园、酒店升级改造外卡受理能力,建立首都国际机场和大兴国际机场境外来宾支付服务示范区;上海在酒店、旅游景区等场所开通外卡POS机。?

To address the difficulties foreigners face in mobile payment, the People’s Bank of China has instructed payment institutions to improve the efficiency of linking mobile payment accounts with foreign bank cards, streamline identity authentication procedures and lift single mobile payment cap. In Beijing, facilities in CBDs, scenic spots, parks and hotels are being upgraded to enable the handling of foreign bank cards, and demonstration zones of payment service for overseas visitors were set up in Beijing Capital International Airport and Beijing Daxing International Airport. In Shanghai, POS machines that can handle foreign bank cards were installed in places such as hotels and scenic spots.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 4, 2024)?

?? 中非合作领域也由传统的贸易、工程建设向数字、绿色、航空航天、金融等新兴领域不断延伸。中国企业积极参与非洲数字基础设施建设,推动非洲电子商务、移动支付、媒体娱乐等行业迅速发展。?

China-Africa cooperation has also extended from traditional areas of trade and projects building to emerging areas of digital economy, green development, aerospace and finance. In particular, Chinese companies have taken an active part in the building of digital infrastructure in Africa, giving a boost to the fast growth of e-commerce, mobile payment, media and entertainment in Africa.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 3, 2023)?

?? 高铁网络、电子商务、移动支付、共享经济等引领世界潮流。?

In high-speed rail, e-commerce, mobile payments, and the sharing economy, China is leading the world.? (政府工作报告_2018)?

?? 目前,中国已拥有7.5亿网民,网络零售额年均增长30%,共享经济规模达3.5万亿元人民币,移动支付规模超过158万亿元人民币。?

Today, China has 750 million Internet users, our on-line retail sales are growing by 30 percent a year, our "sharing economy" has reached 3.5 trillion yuan in size, and China's mobile payment transactions have exceeded 158 trillion yuan.? (Xi_Jinping_Working Together for a New Chapter of Win-Win Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific_携手谱写亚太合作共赢新篇章_2017年11月11日)

  • 坐视自身? [zuò shì zì shēn]? sit back and watch; sit idly by:?

Today’s quote:


China will not sit idly by when its security interests are harmed or threatened. Countries in the region will by no means accept this move that goes against the trend of the times. We call on the Philippines to change its course, and make a strategic choice that truly serves the fundamental interest of itself and its people, rather than staying on the wrong path and hurting the Philippines itself when it comes to issues like Typhon.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 12, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 我们正告菲方,中方绝不会坐视自身安全利益受到危害或威胁,如果菲方一意孤行,必将搬起石头砸自己脚。?

Our message to the Philippines: China will not sit on its hands when its security interests are in danger or under threat. The Philippines will be hurting its own interests if it keeps refusing to change course.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 26, 2024)?

?? 不知道菲方所称消息从何而来。我可以告诉你的是,中国坚持走和平发展道路,奉行防御性国防政策,不对任何国家构成威胁。当然,我们也决不会坐视自身的正当权益和地区的和平稳定受到侵犯和威胁。?

I’m not sure what the Philippine side’s source was, but I can tell you that China is committed to peaceful development and a national defense policy that is defensive in nature, and China does not pose a threat to any country. That said, we will certainly not sit by and watch when our legitimate rights and interests and regional peace and stability are being violated or under threat.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 4, 2024)

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