Mobile internet
Santhiya Rangaraj
Innovative design thinker |Content writer|Driving innovation with dedication one line of code at a time|Html|Css|javascript | UI/UX designer|Rotaract |Campus ambassador |
Mobile internet Japan, both the cheapest wired broadband services and the most advanced 3G mobile phone services are widely available. Because of recent procompetitive policy drives such as the “e-Japan policy,” the Japanese broadband market has become very competitive. While the digital divide has narrowed in recent years in terms of Internet access, a divide still exists with regard to Internet usage. Comparison between narrowband and broadband users demonstrates that broadband services currently are used mainly for entertainment. Unlike wired Internet use, mobile Internet is not used for information-gathering activities. Results do not support the media substitution effect of the Internet. Mobile Internet use significantly and positively correlates with socializing with friends, whereas the wired Internet use does not correlate with socializing. Experience of past policies suggests that customer orientation will be a key factor in the success of the “U-Japan” policy.