Mobile Disposal - Who's Handling Your Data?
With most corporates about to switch to 12 month rolling upgrade programmes fuelled by the rapid developments in mobile technology we are seeing, are we questioning the disposal of the old estate. With these programmes driven by OEMs and Service Providers it is clear that they will still use the same traditional disposal outlets to maximise the residual values. The fact is these outlets were born from a consumer driven market and in the next 18 months this will shift dramatically towards a business driven market. It is now important we question how our data is protected, can your company take the risk posed by the statement below from a large mobile disposal organisation.
"Please remember that by sending your phone/tablet to us, you agree to release us from all and any claims, losses or damages with respect to the phone/tablet, any data stored or contained therein or on any media used in conjunction with the phone (whether in the form of personal details, SMS, photos, games, songs or other data ("Data")). We accept no responsibility in relation to the security, protection, confidentiality or use of such data and it is your responsibility to ensure that such data is removed from the phone/tablet prior to you sending it to us."
You will find this statement on almost all of these organisations websites. Before entering into a programme that is cradle to grave on your mobile devices check the disposal element and who the third part is. On most occasions you will find it is a company used to handling consumer devices and will not eradicate the data contained on your corporate devices. Can you take this risk?
With the shift to one device over the next 2 years the data contained on your employees devices will become more and more sensitive and possibly increasingly detrimental to your business in there is a breach. The simple question you need to ask yourself is would you dispose of a laptop via a company that could not guarantee it had been wiped or the data destroyed?
RDC and Arrow Value Recovery have a zero tolerance policy on data and guarantee your security while still achieving leading financial returns for your devices. A secure present with a sustainable future with RDC/AVR leading the way!