Mobile Commercial Photography Studio?

In this digital day and age do you still need a studio to take a good headshot?  I think it comes down to the photographer, everyone has a system and there's no right or wrong way of doing it.  We’ve been blessed and had the opportunity to hit the road and visit with our clients where ever they’re based out of.  This time we spent a cool Thursday morning visiting an oncology clinic in Harlingen and pretty much taking over their break room.

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When I started doing this, it would take me about 30-40 mins.  Flash forward a few years and a lot of mentorship we’ve been able to set up and shoot in about 15 mins. Just to give you a quick run down on what we're doing, I know there's a few photographers out there that follow commercial setups and like #BTS stuff.

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I'm using a Profoto B1 and B2 system with an Westcott Eyelighter 2 Reflective Panel to push light back in the talents face. The background isn't anything special its actually a HUGE collapsible 2-in-1 muslin background that fights me every time I try and use it. It reminds me of Charlie Brown's kite eating tree as it's the ONE thing that I never know if it's going to cooperate with me. Now don't get me wrong, I do have a back up system but I'm looking to set up as quickly and quietly as possible so you give a little, you take a little.

Finally we shoot a Sony A7III, we retired most of our Canon gear a few months ago. It's been a change leaving Canon after 20 some years, but they couldn't keep up with Sony and we're always looking for the best.

To quote Han Solo: “Not a bad bit of rescuing, huh? You know, sometimes I amaze even myself.”


