Mobile app testing process step by step
Mobile app testing process step by step
When the app development is completed or nearly completed, you have to carry out testing of your app, mobile app testing is a veritably important phase of app development life cycle.
Quality assurance( QA) is an integral part of app development, then in this composition, we're going to cover the mobile app testing process step by step.
Mobile app test planning
When you're planning for the mobile app testing you need to start with test medication. Once the app development is completed, the development platoon give the test builds, make sure to take a detail of the app defenses, functionality,etc. before you start the test planning.
Following are the important considerations in the test planning phase
Is the app incompletely functional or completely functional
Is the app allowed to interact with the other apps in the device
The technology used to make the app, native or cold-blooded
Is there any back- end that app uses
Does the app uses a wireless network to serve
Any original storehouse that app uses and the type of original storehouse
How the cargo is handled and how the app performs when the cargo is high
How the app handles different device status
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Testing Types
This is an identification phase for the different types of tests that will be performed, this includes functional, usability, stoner interface, device, security testing, etc.
There are some important considerations
What are the bias app supports, Is it a universal app? Or an app just made specifically for smartphone or tablet bias
Device exposures that the app supports
minimal Operating system interpretation the app support, and the list of other performances
Selection of a range of bias for testing, it’s a good practice to test in one low- end, onemid-end and one high- end device
Simulator testing and environmental testing is important as well
Preparation of test scripts
Test script medication starts with preparing a document, it'll include a list of all the app functionality. Prepare automated and homemade test cases, automated test cases insure the reusability of the test cases, modify the automated test scripts to suit the design conditions.
Once the functional test cases are set, there are some other important test cases need to consider
Battery operation of the app
Speed of the app on different networks, bias, and surroundings
The data demand of the app, upload/ download limits
The memory demand of the app, the operating system can kill the app if the app uses too important system coffers
Homemade and robotization app testing
Homemade Testing
This type of testing involves writing good test cases and scripts, as the term state primer it requires mortal testers. Automated testing ca n’t cover all the app testing aspects, in the end, there are humans who'll use the app, so why not let humans do the testing.
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Once homemade testing is completed, the QA platoon bear to prepare a good bug report, this helps the development platoon to resolve the being bugs in the app.
The advantage of homemade testing is it delivers a rich stoner experience. While the high resource cost is the disadvantage of using homemade testing.
robotization Testing
Automated testing involves the use of tools for testing similar as Selenium. robotization testing is good when we've several reprise test cases, and therefore it saves a lot of time in testing. As the testing tools can fluently cover the reprise case, still, you need to insure to alter the reprise cases to suit your testing conditions.
Running Robotization testing involves a high original setup cost, tools purchase cost, training cost, etc. But saves cost latterly by reducing the mortal resource cost.
robotization testing ca n’t cover 100 testing of the app, there are some cases as well which bear homemade testing. Some testing types similar as performance testing can be conducted through 100 robotization. Test cases which involve stoner interface testing, installation testing,etc. must be done manually.
Usability Testing
The purpose of usability testing to check the stoner- benevolence of the app and to determine how the app performs in factual stoner testing terrain. This testing phase involves identification of the test group, the right followership to test the app. For illustration, if an app is made for the kiddies from 3 to 5 times, also conduct the usability testing with the kiddies from the same age group and another usability testing with the parents of those kiddies.
When they're using the app, you have to dissect their geste
, you can install recording outfit to record their audio or videotape. dissect while they test the app, you can note down the important points and pass this information to the development platoon.
Device Testing
When you're performing device testing first identify the list of bias for testing, the test bias must include different screen sizes.
For illustration, when you're testing an iPhone app, it must be tested all the available screen sizes. You can take one device for each screen size. Testing a 4- inch device choose from iPhone 5, iPhone 5s or iPhone 5SE. still, stoner simulators to pretend the testing surroundings, If the bias aren't available. Simulators are also good when testing the app for different operating systems.
For Android app testing, make the right device selection for the testing, as there are thousands of bias in the request. Using test bias with small, medium and large screen sizes is a good option, this avoids utmost of the UI affiliated issues.
Performance Testing
Mobile bias have smaller coffers available compared to laptops or desktop bias, the app must handle the device coffers efficiently, test the app for the cargo, memory leaks. The operating system kills the app if the app starts using too important system coffers.
insure that your app is tested on different networks 2G/ 3G/ 4G or Wifi network, check for online/ offline modes working rightly with changing network.
Another important point is scalability testing of your app. As the data size increases original or through a pall gar?on, the cargo increases to the app as well as the operating system. The increased cargo must be handled efficiently. For illustration, loading a large data, you can apply ways similar as pagination, use recycler view to in your app stoner interface for the smooth scrolling. The scalability testing must be done as well to insure optimum performance.
Some other important considerations in performance testing
Installation testing using different test cases
Upgrade testing from aged to newer, in some case you need to test newer to aged interpretation testing as well
Device- related testing of your operation, if there are any specific point offered by the device, that must be tested
Exception testing, exceptions must be handled by the app duly without any crash issues
still, you need to make sure the app works on both modes duly, and the data pushed rightly to the gar?on when a device switches from offline to online mode
If your app offers online/ offlinemodes.Security Testing
Security- Related testing is extremely important currently, perform both back- end and front- end security checks for the app.
Use of secured heads in API calls is a goodpractice.However, also it’s recommended generating access commemoratives for the logged in stoner, If the app has login function. All the API calls must go through the security commemorative handed by the gar?on and through secured heads.
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The watchwords and other sensitive information must be translated at the reverse- end side of the app. You can perform security tests by validating SQL injections, session kidnapping , packet smelling, SSL cascading. Then are some further tips in details to ameliorate your app security.
Compliance Testing
Compliance testing is principally to insure your app meets the app store review guidelines and enterprise guidelines, If the app does n’t follow the needed guidelines, violation of guidelines can affect in the app junking from the app store.
App Store guidelines
Check all the app store review guidelines one by one, to insure all are followed. For illustration, if the app is rated for the sprat’s order and shows advertisements, it must be applicable to the kiddies or there's a violation
still, also report the issues to the mobile app development company, so they can resolve
If any guidelines aren't followed rightly.Enterprise compliance
There are assiduity-specific guidelines that the app must follow to avoid any violations. The different diligence similar as the food assiduity, healthcare assiduity, etc, these diligence can set their rules for apps to follow. Running an assiduity guideline check is important to avoid penalties. Also, keep track of these guidelines as they can change.
Mobile app testing can be tough, these way insure your app product is completely functional and bug-free. Whether your app is a native app orcross-platform app, follow the right testing procedure grounded on the technology you elect. Also, make sure to repeat the necessary testing way after app upgrades.
Choosing the correct mobile app development company in Bangalore is veritably important and it can save a ton of time. Proper planning and perpetration is the key to successfully carry out mobile app testing.