Mobile App -> POC? POV? MVP or Prototype? HOW TO BE SURE?

Mobile App -> POC? POV? MVP or Prototype? HOW TO BE SURE?

Many companies struggle to decide whether creating a proof of concept (POC), proof of value (POV),?prototype, minimum viable product (MVP), or a combination of many of those techniques is the right way to approach?mobile/web app development. Understanding and carrying out these distinctive?methods of product validation properly can significantly improve the chances of winning the customer’s?buy-in and acquiring relevant project funding, reducing project costs, as well as establishing a longer-term roadmap to the mobile/web app. ?

The?first step in the?development process?is to understand what you are building. All four?methods of product validation set a mobile/web app up for success by challenging assumptions, revealing user needs, and defining an explicit direction for product growth. With a proper validation strategy, you can be sure the proposal you take to the customers, investors?and stakeholders makes a strong business case with several clearly identified return on investment (ROI) opportunities.?

Proof Of Concept (POC) ?

Is the idea feasible???

Developing a POC is the quickest and most accurate way to validate or invalidate assumptions about your target users and app concept. A proof of concept is not intended to explore market demand for the idea, nor is it intended to determine the best production process.?

Proof Of Value?(POV) ?

Is the idea valuable???

Developing a POV?is (usually) a complement to the?POC aimed to show that the product will solve the customer’s use case (or problem). The value is proven by demonstrating customers’ use cases in a ? designated environment.?

Mobile/Web App Prototype ?

How will this product function???

Mobile/Web app prototyping is a form of user research to validate the strategic design direction of a product. A prototype is a preliminary visualization of a working product. Prototypes build an understanding of the mobile app’s look and feel, which helps test how customers use and react to the overall user experience (UX) design. Using a prototype for usability testing gives you enough time to make changes to critical design issues before the product reaches development and then, too late (and too expensive) to make major changes to the UX.??

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?

What are the product’s core functionalities and value proposition???

A mobile/web app MVP is a minimal and?usable?form of your complete product to release and test in the app market. The MVP development method allows the client?to learn how the product’s target users experience and respond to the app’s core business purpose. Using the insight and learnings from real users, one?can allocate time, effort and budget to areas that best satisfy the?overall business objectives. Building an MVP is an iterative process designed to identify user pain points and determine the proper functionality to address those needs over time.?

At IAIAO, we thrive to deliver the Very Best Value at the lowest possible cost – to optimize a quick return on the initial investment and mitigate much and most of the risk associated with such a project. Our Agile collaborative approach entails that each opportunity be subject to a joint team workshop - to identify the “must haves” features and those other items on the wish-list; to review and discuss on the ideation process, the problem to solve – the opportunity to capture - to brainstorm on whether any or all the above steps are warranted, and why??


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