The mob was yelling "this is my house"
don carpenter
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as they stormed the capitol building, shattering windows, breaking down doors, assaulting police, and sending members of congress into hiding. Their leader had given up all hope for any kind of unity for the hatefulness between the two major parties was too deeply embedded. As he stood watching the mayhem, a little old lady came up to him and gave him a piece of paper. She appeared to be just getting along in life, obviously of no help to him. Little did he know that his entire life and the life of the country was about to be changed by this little old lady. On the piece of paper she had written "except God build your house, you live in vain who build it".
An infinite Something came over him and he began to speak. His followers listened, the police listened, the members of congress came out of hiding to listen. And this is what he said. "This is my house and it must be treated like my house, like my home, with dignity, with respect, with care, with love. And we must find a way to get along with our adversaries before the country is completely torn apart. We must change our thinking because "except God build your house, you live in vain who build it". In other words, the underlying cause of adversity in our life experience is the presence of me, our ego-self, and the absence of God. And the only solution is the presence of God and the absence of me, our ego-self.
It is in the presence of the consciousness of God whereby the Presence takes possession and lives in us that we realize the oneness of God and it is in that oneness that there are no conflicts because there is nothing present but the presence of God because of omnipresence and there is no power but the power of God because of omnipotence. Seek first the kingdom of God and then unity will follow."
His realization of the oneness of God became a symbol of unity, of mutuality, of healing throughout America and the message spread throughout the land and dwelled in the hearts of every person who loves freedom. And now when he is asked how did this Something come into his awareness, his answer always begins with "well, there was this little old lady". But the one thing he knew and never forgot is that the Presence is the real and only leader of people.