MOB CONSCIOUSNESS  and what YOU can do.
horses are relationship experts and do not even know how to do mobs

MOB CONSCIOUSNESS and what YOU can do.


I AM ?STILL AGHAST AT WHAT I witnessed ?Trump supporters ?doing on January 6th in 2020. The perpetrators fell to the level of “Mob-consciousness”.


?Some of the protests we are seeing across our country are moving into Mob Consciousness.

However, if the concerns of the college students had been listened to, perhaps they would not believe they have to move into mob consciousness.

?I would like to define what I believe “mob consciousness” is.??The definition will be in very lay terms and will use terms that I use to discuss our brain with my very young clients. Even ??4-year-olds understand this and teens love the model. ??We have three levels to our brain:?lizard brain which is the survival brain, emotional brain, and wizard brain which is the neo-cortex. The Wizard brain is the part of the brain that takes the longest to develop and enables humans to move past a self-centered life to one in which we have the ability to do the “right thing”. The wizard brain enables us to feel compassion, empathy, love and caring for our fellow humans and also to feel caring and compassion for all creatures and for mother earth. The wizard brain enables us to connect with our own soul gifts and make a difference in our lives by fulfilling our Soul’s purpose.

The lizard brain, which again is the survival brain, tells us that we must be concerned about our own survival and therefore we can only interact with people who are in “our tribe”. And when we are at odds with people in the “other tribe”, we must make sure they do not have access to the limited resources that are available.

The lizard brain is about itself. It seeks to do harm to others often for no apparent reason. It seeks to harm others so that they are not in a position to take them down.?The lizard brain does not have the ability to discern facts.?It only pays attention to what it perceives is important. Thus, the prime characteristic of the lizard brain is that it is completely and utterly self-centered. It really does not even understand or comprehend the pain that its actions have on those whom it harms.

In reality, my life on this earth in this life time has been about growth and understanding. This has been a guiding principle my entire life and it is because of this guiding and innate principle that I have grown into who I am today. I experienced Mob Consciousness for the first time in 7th grade when I was bullied for not having the right clothes. It was horrible and this experience can still affect me if I am not conscious.

Let us choose to be CONSCIOUS


“Mob Consciousness”, results when one person acts from this lower level that is the lizard brain. Then someone near that person, instead of choosing to listen and act from the deeper force that is the wizard brain also chooses to act from the lizard brain. Then another chooses to do the same and soon we have a mob of lizards choosing destruction over creation. They are choosing self-centeredness over oneness.


As we gather together and act from the Wizard Brain, things won’t be easier but they will get better.

We must not be part of the “mob consciousness” any longer. The very survival of our planet and all of her creatures now depends on conscious people being willing to move beyond the need to survive to the absolute necessity to work together so that we can all thrive.


I have created a workshop called:


I am presenting it at the Unity Convention in June and also have presented it at a local church in Loveland. It was received very well. I would love to present this to you and your friends. Please call me if interested.

The workshop helps each attendee know what they can and must do to help solve a world’s problems. It is the culmination of what I have been working on for almost 40 years.

Horses are relationship experts, and they do not even know how to go into mob consciousness

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