Are we in the nest? Because I have a confession.

I suffer from serious FOMO. I can't say no to a party invite and I'm always bummed if I miss out on a fun event. It's the main reason why I have a 3-night maximum in Vegas. (You can't go to every thing every night and come out on the other side of day 4.)

You know who I'd love to hang out with in Vegas? Katrina German . That girl is FUN. I mean she's from Saskatchewan after all. (Check the photo below - ever seen someone having such a great time presenting a PowerPoint slide???)

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Katrina smiles a Saskatchewan-sized smile at Camp ICology in Calgary.

That's why I was surprised to learn what seemed like a counter-Katrina lesson from her at Camp ICology in Calgary this past week.

"Using FOMO in employee comms only increases anxiety and causes unnecessary stress for your co-workers."

Uh oh. What does that mean for those of us in internal comms who've relied on the old faithful "better sign up today or you'll be in trouble!" newsletter headlines?

It means we have an opportunity to adapt. With great power comes great responsibility, and the proverbial pen we wield has an enormous amount of power in the ink.

Katrina taught us to flip our messaging to be more positive, more inclusive, and ultimately more effective.

Instead of "or else" communication, try describing the great things that will happen when someone does what you need them to do. Use the "join us" philosophy instead of, "don't be against us."

At the front of the room at all Camp events is a Burn It Down Bonfire, where we write things we're leaving behind because they're no longer serving us. I left FOMO behind at Camp ICology and I'd love for you to do the same.

Peace, love, and s'mores,

~ Kristin

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Stories from Camp is a storytelling newsletter to share amusing anecdotes and aha moments from Camp ICology events. If it seems like we're having too much fun it's because we are! We'd love for you to join us in our community:



