You Should Know These 105 Email Marketing Statistics By 2022

You Should Know These 105 Email Marketing Statistics By 2022

Numerous marketing articles and advice that you read every day are solely the author's viewpoint.

So how can you distinguish fact from opinion in email marketing? Numbers, that's correct.

Email marketing statistics speak even louder than numbers, which are more persuasive than words. Because of this, has compiled the most pertinent and eye-catching B2B email marketing data that you need to be aware of in 2022.


  • Is email marketing a waste of time?
  • Email marketing's significance in 2022
  • Timing and frequency of emails
  • sending emails automatically
  • Personalization and segmentation
  • Subject line, body of email, and closing
  • Campaigns using visual content in emails
  • Mobile and desktop optimization

Is email marketing a waste of time?

Every year, the effectiveness of email as a marketing tool is questioned. However, the statistics indicate that it is more powerful than ever.

306.4 billion emails were sent and received daily on average in 2020.

Email is the main route for lead generation for 89% of marketers.

2.6 percent was the average click-through rate.

2020 saw an average unsubscribe rate of 0.1 percent.

In 2019, the average spam rate was 0.02 percent.

The typical open rate in 2020 was 18%.

The average click-to-open rate was 14.1% at the same time.

The typical bounce rate was 0.7%.

Aiming for a response rate of 10% generally yields positive results.

Email connections are prioritised by 86% of professionals.

Email marketing is the most popular method of consumer engagement in Europe, North America, and APAC (76.6%) (compared to 62 percent produced by content management and 61 percent shown by social media).

Email marketing is deemed the most effective marketing channel by 29% of marketers (25 percent for social media, 22 percent for SEO, and 25 percent for content marketing).

Ninety-three percent of B2B marketers distribute material via email.

Customers favour email as their primary method of company communication by 72%.

Respondents reported that email is their primary method of contact in 52% of cases.

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Email marketing's significance in 2022

Why is email marketing so common, then? ROI = email marketing. It transforms and serves a variety of functions. The data below demonstrates it:

In the first hour after delivery, 21% of emails are opened.

ROI for email marketing is 420%, or $42 for every $1 invested.

Email converts at a 40% higher rate (in comparison to Facebook and Twitter).

Email newsletters are the most crucial technique in their content marketing plan, according to 40% of B2B marketers.

Email is cited as the most efficient medium for retaining customers by 37% of respondents, compared to websites by 13% and social media by only 11%.

50.7 percent of consumers are influenced in their purchasing decisions by marketing and advertising emails.

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Timing and frequency of emails

Knowing the ideal moment to send an email is essential for conversion. The ideal email frequency and sending time can also be determined by email marketing statistics.

38 percent, or more frequently, would be preferred by 38 percent of subscribers/customers who would like to get promotional emails per week.

Marketers communicate with their customers (per month): 2-4 times (32%) once (17%), 4-6 times (19%), or 6+ times (16 percent ).

The preference of 28% of customers is to view promotional offers twice or even three times per week.

Thursdays account for 18% of emails sent, Tuesdays for 17%, and Wednesdays for 16%.

Weekends have the lowest open and click-through rates.

The optimal time to send emails is at 11 AM, while the highest CTR is at 12 AM.

Autumn and winter see the most traffic (especially on Black Friday, Cyber Monday and December 23).

There is no ideal time to send email campaigns, according to 50% of marketers, because each person and company is different.

Tuesday and Thursday are the greatest days for emailing.

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?Email sending automation

Do yourself a favour and pay attention to these email marketing automation statistics in 2022 if you didn't implement automation in 2021. Why? Since you'll save time, money, and more conversions as a result.

51 percent of businesses, on average, currently employ automation.

B2B respondents claim to employ email automation strategies in 64 percent of cases.

These are the main advantages of marketing automation:

- Time savings (30 percent )

-generation of leads (22 percent )

- increased revenue (17 percent )

- Customer loyalty (11 percent )

- tracking marketing initiatives (8 percent )

- cutting the sales cycle short (2 percent )

Marketers, who make up 47%, believe automation is cost-effective.

According to 68.5 percent of respondents, automation enhanced message targeting.

Compared to standard bulk emails, triggered emails get 8 times more opens and generate more revenue.

Indicated emails typically have unsubscribe rates of 0.58 percent and spam rates of 0.06 percent.

The customer experience map (53 percent) and the deployment of tailored messaging are the best automation strategies (51 percent ).

All email kinds, including welcome emails (47 percent) and promotional sales emails, are sent using automation systems (46 percent )

emails used for transactions (28 percent )

- invites and notifications (27 percent )

– blog posts (26 percent )

- emails with upsells (23 percent )

- emails that are sent out in response to events based on customer lifecycle (15%), etc.

The average open rate for triggered email campaigns is 46%, the click-through rate is 11%, and the click-to-open rate is 24%.

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Personalization and segmentation

Personalization is the single most effective way to boost your emailing statistics. Make your clients feel special at all times by segmenting your lists and personalising your communications.

In 2017, customization and list segmentation were the most successful email marketing techniques.

Comparing focused and untargeted email campaigns, segmented email campaigns have a 50% higher CTR.

The top 3 benefits of customization in email marketing include increased open rates (82%), higher click-through rates (75%), and higher customer satisfaction rates (58 percent ).

List segmentation (51 percent), customization (50 percent), and triggered emails are the top 3 email marketing strategies (45 percent ).

A segmented email campaign received a 94 percent open rate and a 38 percent CTR during a SuperOffice email marketing experiment, compared to a non-segmented email campaign's 42 percent open rate and 4.5 percent CTR.

Marketers who send tailored advertisements observe an increase in revenue of 760 percent.

88 percent of users concur that if an email appears to have been written just for them, they are more likely to respond favourably to it.

A customised subject line helps 62% of emails get opened.

You can get up to a 35% increase in open rates and CTR by using the recipient's name.

Ten percent of respondents find personalisation to be either too little or nonexistent.

The respondents said that recommendations for products that don't match their preferences (34 percent), expired offers (24 percent), name misspelling (15 percent), incorrect season or location offers (14 percent), and already-purchased incentives are the most annoying aspects of customization (13 percent ).

Only 4% of marketers say they employ highly tailored targeting, 13% say they use audience segmentation, 31% say they use basic segmentation (2–5 criteria), and 53% say they don't target at all.

Segmented and customised emails help produce 58 percent of revenue.

Personalization, according to 62% of marketers, is the most successful tactic.

Open rates for segmented email campaigns grew by 39%; revenue, deliverability, and sales leads all climbed by 24%; transactions decreased by 18%.

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????Subject line, body of email, and closing

The quality of your email writing, subject line, and closing will determine whether the receiver converts. Utilize these important email facts to discover your ideal recipe.

Customers can report emails as spam based solely on the subject line in 69 percent of cases, while 47 percent of individuals open emails based solely on the subject line.

In one study, emails without subject lines had an 8 percent greater open rate because they were so captivating.

Compared to other promotional emails, welcome emails generate 320 percent more money per email.

Open rate as a function of the subject line's word count:

- 6 to 10 words (21%), - 0 to 5 words (16 percent )

- 11-15 words (14 percent )

- 16-20 words (12 percent )

The likelihood of opening emails with "fw:" in the subject line is decreased by 17%.

The likelihood that an email will be opened increases by 22% when the subject line is personalised.

The customer's name (46.21 percent), the product name or information (44.01 percent), and the company name are the three items that appear most frequently in the email subject line (42.88 percent ).

These three elements in the email subject line simultaneously display the highest email marketing conversion rate (3.71 percent , 3.18 percent , and 3.58 percent respectively).

Eight times more sales are likely to result from emails with active discount codes than from emails without any discounts.

An email marketing message has an average word count of 434.48 and can be read in 3.3 minutes.

The majority of subscribers (19%) reply to communications between 200 and 250 words, 17% to messages under 50 words, and 15% to emails between 150 and 200 words.

iPhone trims off subject lines that are longer than 32 characters.

Managers include signatures in emails in the proportion of 52%.

Emails with photos in the signatures get 32% more responses than emails without.

The ideal length for an email signature is seven lines (75% of senders include contact information, 60% include a phone number, and less attach Twitter (7%), Facebook (3%) or LinkedIn) (2 percent ).

33 percent of respondents prefer an informal email communication style, whereas 49 percent choose a formal approach (17%).

The most common closings are: - Thank you (62 percent ),

- initials or name (46 percent )

I heartily (44 percent )

- Love (28 percent )

With respect (22 percent )

*Respondents had the option to decide

The least obnoxious sign-off is "Thanks," which is disliked by only 3% of people, while 21% dislike "Peace."

When questioned, 40% of respondents said they preferred informational emails over promotional ones.

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Campaigns using visual content in emails

You don't have to send text-only emails. Make your campaign more exciting by adding more visual material. Don't be scared to deviate from the established norms; after all, 45% of receivers state that they "enjoy brands that do not take themselves too seriously." Consider include videos, pictures, and emoticons in your subsequent email campaigns after looking at these email marketing statistics.


One of the topics that divides email marketers the most is the use of emojis in emails. Emojis are said to increase the effectiveness of communications, however some contend that the contrary is supported by email statistics. But it's not really that easy.

Only 37% of respondents over the age of 65 believed that millennials utilise and like seeing emojis, GIFs, and stickers in emails.

Emojis in the subject line of emails have a 56 percent greater open rate.

Emojis get a better response from women than from men.

76% of those surveyed have emojis in their business emails at least once.

Emojis that are appropriate can bring the complaint rate in holiday ads to zero percent.

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Email content is important. However, sometimes the aesthetics of the email count much more. According to the email marketing statistics listed below, images will still be important for email marketing in 2022.

According to a survey, two thirds of respondents prefer emails with a lot of photos.

Those with some form of image had a greater open rate (27%) and CTR (4.5%) than emails that only contain text (20 percent and 3 percent ).

In case the message doesn't open within 5 seconds, 74% of users trash it (which is most likely to happen because of the size of the pictures in the email).

43% of recipients read emails without activating the images.

According to research, a 4:1 text to image ratio is ideal for emails.

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What does place when a video is included in an email? These data on email marketing will clearly demonstrate the benefits of using videos in your upcoming email marketing campaigns.

The CTR for an initial email containing a video increases by 96%.

Video is a marketing technique that 81% of marketers employ.

78 percent of video-using marketers claim that their ROI has increased.

A 200–300% increase in CTR can be attained by including a video attachment in an email.

Including the word "video" in an email subject line boosts open rates by 19%, CTR by 65%, and reduces unsubscribes by 26%.

Emails featuring videos are preferred by 54% of email subscribers.

Only 14% of people watch videos on mobile devices, with 84 percent of them watching them on a PC.

Ninety percent of users claim that watching videos influences their choice to buy.

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Mobile and desktop optimization

Numerous marketers continue to undervalue the significance of mobile SEO. These email marketing statistics demonstrate how important mobile optimization is for your email marketing campaign's effectiveness.

81% of people check their email on a smartphone, 74% on a desktop or laptop, 21% on a tablet, and 2% on a smartwatch.

Inbox checking on smartphones is done by 88% of smartphone users.

One in five email messages were not mobile-friendly.

When emails are not mobile-friendly, 42.3% of receivers trash them; 32.2% view the emails later on desktop.

If the message doesn't display properly, it will likely be erased in 70% of situations within 3 seconds.

Emails and websites from 52% of B2C brands are not mobile-friendly.

A mobile site with bad design will not be recommended, according to 57% of consumers.

In June 2018, 46% of emails were opened on a smartphone, compared to only 18% on a desktop.

88 percent of smartphone users frequently check their email on the go.

One-third of professionals check their emails on their mobile devices.

The two most widely used email clients are Gmail and the Apple iPhone (34 percent and 26 percent of opens respectively).

75 percent of Gmail users access their email on a mobile device.

An offer made on a mobile device is 10 times more likely to be used than one made in print.

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All the best and happy sending!

Regards : Ayaz Hussain Solangi

Meesam Shaikh

Driving brand growth through performance marketing, strategic brand development, media planning, and buying, email marketing, content planning and design, and expertise in Amazon and Shopify.

2 年

Very helpful!

Gulrukh Lodhi

B2B | B2C Marketing and Sales Strategist – Transforming Businesses in the UK.

2 年

Wonderful! ????


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