Old Greenhouse<=>Modern Warming ...Midnight_Greenhouse_Global_Cooling <=>Noon_Solar/Cloud_Global_Warming

Old Greenhouse<=>Modern Warming ...Midnight_Greenhouse_Global_Cooling <=>Noon_Solar/Cloud_Global_Warming

Flat earth was human science until human perception of earth was able to see the fallacy.

  • Urbanization is recognized to be MMGW=AGW for rural areas suffer less warming.
  • In 1825AD Joseph Fourier calculated that earth atmospheric temperature is 33°C warmer than other planets temperature would suggest.
  • In 1856AD Eunice Newton Foot observed with thermometers in bottles that the bottle full of "carbonic acid" was warming more than the other identical bottles in the sunshine containing "regular air".


AGW=1825AD+1856AD=MMGW ?

But carbonic acid consist of as much H2O=GhG1 as CO2=GhG2.

  • In preindustrial 1825AD, Joseph Fourier was suspecting other stars than the sun to contribute 33K of the 288K (=273°C+15°C) as he was calculating 250K for earth atmospheric temperature on the Kelvin absolute temperature scale with -273°C=0K.
  • In preindustrial 1856AD Eunice Newton Foot was filling the bottle with H2CO3 not CO2.
  • In 2005AD summer day time temperature was measured by Ernst Beck in Diekirch to go up to 30°C for 380ppmCO2 at noon with solar irradiance and down to 16°C for 500ppmCO2 at night without solar irradiance :

Over the 20th century winter night TMin was measured to go down -0,2° during the Gleissberg minimum before world war 2 and also during the modern minimum now since 1980 after going up +0,2°C during the modern maximum after world war 2 :

So :

  • at night we see the "greenhouse" cooling -0,1°C since 1980 for solar irradiance decline.
  • at noon we see the paradoxical solar warming from +0,1°C to +0,5°C for solar irradiance decline.
  • Noon solar irradiance is warming is warming much more than midnight greenhouse effect.

  • At midnight we see only the GEW="Greenhouse Effect Warming" as SIW="Solar Irradiance Warming" is on the other side of earth at midnight.
  • At noon we see GEW+SIW.


In climate science there are too many unanswered questions and too many unquestioned answers ...

But : Health & Climate & Energy are really very complicated and delicate politico-scientific stuff and also socio-economic stuff but we do the best we can and try to explain it as simple as possible but not simpler than that in the group :

CCR="Climate Change Revival.


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