MM-UGM Jakarta Maintains LAMEMBA Superior Accreditation Status

MM-UGM Jakarta Maintains LAMEMBA Superior Accreditation Status

Master of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University (MM FEB UGM) Jakarta Campus has again achieved the title of Excellence from the Independent Accreditation Institute for Economics, Management, Business and Accounting (LAMEMBA).

The MM UGM study program's Superior accreditation status is valid April 30 2024–April 30 2029. Five years previously, the MM FEB UGM Jakarta Campus study program had received Superior accreditation from the Higher Education Accreditation Board (BAN PT). Then in 2022 the accreditation of study programs at FEB UGM will switch to an independent accreditation institution (LAMEMBA).

LAMEMBA is an accreditation institution tasked with carrying out the accreditation process for study programs in the fields of economics, management, business and accounting. This institution was initiated by the Indonesian Economics Scholars Association (ISEI), the Indonesian Accountants Association (IA), and the Association of Indonesian Economics and Business Faculties (AFEBI).

Superior Accreditation was obtained by the MM FEB UGM Jakarta Campus study program after going through a number of assessments. There are nine LAMEMBA assessment criteria, such as vision, mission, goals and strategies, civil service, governance and cooperation, students, human resources, finance, facilities and infrastructure, education, research, community service, outcomes and achievements of the Tridharma .

Before obtaining accreditation, the MM FEB UGM Jakarta Campus study program received a LAMEMBA visitation on January 8 and 9 2024. During the visitation, Prof. Dr. Aurik Gustomo, S.T. M.T., and Prof. Wiwiek Rabiatul Adawiyah, M.Sc., Ph.D. The visitation went smoothly with strong support from lecturers, alumni and students who were also present and had direct dialogue with the assessors. Strong support also came from partners who attended the dialogue separately.

The MM FEB UGM Jakarta Campus study program has four Master of Business Administration programs. Currently, this study program has a very strong alumni network, partnerships with extensive industry, as well as an international network with more than 40 partner universities abroad. One of the strategic collaborations being established is the implementation of the double degree MBA FEB UGM program with 15 partners in Europe, Australia and Asia including the NUS Master of Science in Venture Creation. Next, holding student exchanges with 34 world universities, one of which is the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Netherlands. Apart from that, holding summer courses with various world universities, including the University of Antwerp.

The MM FEB UGM Jakarta Campus study program has also succeeded in showing that the quality of education in Indonesia is able to compete globally and is on par with well-known universities abroad. Apart from accreditation from LAMEMBA, the MM FEB UGM study program has also been internationally accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Then he succeeded in achieving first place in Indonesia and 25th in Asia in the Thought Leadership category of the QS World University Ranking.

As part of FEB UGM, the MM FEB Jakarta Campus study program is strongly committed to continuing to support the implementation of the faculty's mission in developing future leaders in economics and business. Achieving superior LAMEMBA accreditation and AACSB international accreditation as well as strategic collaboration with overseas partners, the MM FEB UGM study program in the future will continue to improve the quality of higher education in Indonesia and contribute actively in supporting the development of professional and quality human resources.

adriastama, 2024

"Achieving superior accreditation from LAMEMBA is proof that MM FEB Jakarta Campus UGM always maintains the quality of education in a sustainable manner," explained the Head of the MM FEB Jakarta Campus Study Program, Prof. Dr. Tandelilin Eduardus, M.B.A.

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