MLOPS : A Life Changing Technical Journey
This article is about my journey of MLOPS training under the guidance of World Record Holder Mr. Vimal Daga Sir at LinuxWorld Informatics Pvt Ltd. India.
In the month of January 2020, one of my friend told me about the IIEC community program Redhat8 Linux + python3 integration training. He was one of the students of summer program 2019 at Linuxworld. I had heard a lot of things from him about his way of teaching , about his vision of "Making India Future Ready". So, I am eagerly waiting for an opportunity to attend a program under his guidance& it comes in the form of IIEC program.
After those session's, there was no looking back. In the 2-day IIEC DOT workshop on AI Vimal sir announced a unique program of MLOPS(Machine learning + DevOps). It is the integration of machine learning concepts with the devops tools like git, github, jenkins, docker etc. I know about machine learning concepts but don't have knowledge about the devops tools. But I joined the program as there is no prerequisite for this incredible program.
You can be a good technical expert, mentor but for me being a good person is much more important & he hold all these qualities inside him. He is a great mentor who guide you the correct path.
The above lines defines his personality of always thinking about the average or below average students & trained them in all possible manner. He wants his student to be the creator of the technology not just the user of the technology.
Coming towards the learning of the program. I don't think I ever gained so much of knowledge & the industry use case in a span of 2-3 months. There are a lot of topics covered during the training starting from the Computer vision (image processing and video processing concepts), Linear Regression Model, Logistic Regression Model, Graph Visualization libraries like Matplotlib, seaborn, folium and cufflinks etc, Feature Selection , Feature Scaling and Feature Extraction, Feature Selection methods (filter, wrapper and embedded), Many concepts like MSE(Mean Squard Error) and MAE(Mean Absolute Error), Concept of OneHot Encoding, Concept of Lazy Execution and Eager Execution, K Nearest Neighbour Algorithm, K-Mean Algorithm, Neural Network and its type (Artificial Neural Network, Convolution Neural Network and Recurrent Neural Network), Keras Library for deep Learning, Mask-R-CNN, Pre Trained Model (Resnet, VGG , Inception Models), Transfer Learning, Concept of GAN's, Recommendation and Association in Market Basket Analysis(MBA), Long Short Term Memory(LSTM), Many tools of DevOps like Git, GitHub, GitKraken, Jenkins, Docker and Kubernetes. A lot more things in this incredible training.
Vimal sir also give a lot of challenging task that hepls us in understanding the concepts more clearly. The task is to solve the real use case like integration of machine learning with the devops tools git, github, docker & jenkins. For the reference you can checkout the post & articles. It is really unbelievable to learn such concepts in just 46 sessions. The last session was on 25th of June, it was very emotional day & sir announced about the mlops community. Hoping to be a part of such a great community as it now becomes a habit to learn.
I am proud to be a part of such incredible program. I want to thank Vimal Daga sir, Preeti maam because she is the one having the responsibility to manage students in such a large number, technical Volunteers as well as LinuxWorld Team for supporting us.
Thank You!!