MLM Reps- “Why People Fail In Network Marketing MLM And How The 2% Make So Much Money…”

Let’s be honest- this industry has a horrible reputation…

…until you have a conversation with someone among the 2% that make real money in this business (although you have to verify their claims of income BEFORE you listen).

The real earners in this business will share with you what really separates this business from any other business, it’s not the income. You can make money in myriad of industries.

The REAL benefit of this industry is the time freedom created through residual income. And again, even that benefit isn’t unique- actors, writers, musicians and many other industries offer residual income.

And of course, critics of the industry love to point to that number, 2%, that very few people ever make money in this business. Proponents of the industry love to counter this with the low cost of entry vs. a traditional business model like a franchise but, once you head down that rabbit hole it leads to a dead end because the success rate of a franchise is much greater than MLM Network Marketing.

I chose a different path that can’t be argued by the critics- the success rate in this industry is vastly superior to any other industry that provides unlimited, residual income.

My point- if time freedom is your most important priority, if you want to create an income that will follow you anywhere, to unchain from a desk, commute, paycheck dependency, etc…now we can put the prospect of MLM Network Marketing in proper context.

No other industry can offer a greater opportunity for the average person to create unlimited, residual income that can provide unlimited time freedom.

So If This IS Such A Great Opportunity, What Causes Failure?

Well bluntly, laziness is the single greatest cause of failure. People let life get in the way, simple as that. But if that’s you, if you don’t have the drive to stay focused and stay on task, you can stop reading right now. Obviously the benefit of residual income ISN’T important enough for you to make the commitment. That’s ok but let’s just call a spade a spade.

If you’re still reading, I’m going to assume you ARE fully committed. For the truly committed, there is only ONE reason people fail- they simply run out of people to talk to…qualified people.

If you’re fully committed, you MUST treat this business as a CAREER choice, not a hobby. And, you have to remember as a career, it will offer some of the very same downsides as any other career- it’s frickin hard work to really achieve success and there are things you’ll be required to do in this business that stink just as much as some of things you hate doing now to make a living.

DO NOT do this business because it’s easier or even a better way to make money than what you’ve chosen as other careers. It isn’t. In fact, for accountants, actuaries and IT people, this business can cause irreparable baldness!

Your BIG REASON WHY, always needs to be about the lifestyle, the time freedom. What would you do, what could you do with and for your family and community IF, you no longer had to trade hours for income?

So What About That 2%, The 2% That Do Make Money And The Ones Within That Group That Make Ridiculous Money…What The Heck Is Their Secret!?

Simple really. They never, ever run out of qualified people to talk to and…and the real kicker is, they have also mastered the ability teach others how to teach others. Creation and duplication. Period.

Honestly, most people who make full time income here, me included, have at least 3-5 years experience in the business. Those who learn, adapt and adopt quickly can achieve a full time income, the first time out, in about 3-5 years on average. Those of us who are ‘learning intolerant’ may take far longer. It took me 20 years from my first exposure to create a full time income.

I keep using a term you might have noticed, qualified. It’s not enough to never run out of people to talk to- there’s a difference between talking to everybody and talking to people who are actually qualified. In general, no matter what you’re selling or marketing, qualified means people who are actually interested and who have the time and money to learn and grow this business. For example, if you sell cars, spending your time with people who don’t have a drivers’ license wouldn’t make a lot of sense, even if they have the money to buy and the time to drive. My point- you need all 3, time, interest and money.

Why do the people at the top make so much money, no matter their company and how come they can switch companies and rise right to the top of the next one? They have access to a lot more, even more qualified prospects than a new person just getting started. That’s NOT an unfair advantage, they had to pay their dues like everyone else but, it’s unfortunate that more companies and leaders can’t seem to be this blunt and honest in front of their meetings- we need to stop pitching this business like it’s some magic pill that anyone can swallow and wake up tomorrow with a cape on their back.

Alright, I maybe a long-winded but the answers to the title of this article are; you MUST figure out a way to never, ever run out of qualified people to talk to and doing that is exactly how and why the 2% are able to do what 98% of others can’t or, in the case of lazy people, what others won’t do.

So Now What?

One of the other keys to this business, like any other, is education. In fact, one of the primary reasons companies chose MLM or Network Marketing to put their products and/or services in the market place, is the fact that typically, their products require a personal relationship with a prospect so the marketer can provide the education to the prospect of why they should purchase the product- why it’s better than x, why it may or may not be more expensive, why it’s different etc.

But that’s not the most important education. The most important education is the education YOU need to do this business effectively. And don’t be silly, any skill that can produce a substantial income requires an education. Period. Of course there are many places, tools and systems to get this education but…

If you get in this business and run around telling everyone about it like your hairs’ on fire, chances are someone is going to get burned and 100% of the time it will be YOU.

You absolutely must learn how to create unlimited, qualified prospects. You can start with people you know, the single most successful technique in this industry but, you MUST follow a process and a system because when you’re new in this business, you’ll spend most of your time sorting people- most people you know, won’t qualify. They biggest reason most people don’t qualify is because they’re not truly interested. If you have to beat someone up, chase them all over and try again and again to get them to take a look, they are NOT qualified.  

No sense beating a dead horse. You can put a saddle on it but it’s still not going to get you anywhere. You just have to know when the horse is dead so you can take your saddle and go find a new horse.

There are so many resources out there, fantastic trainers etc, who can all show you how to build this business and what worked for them.

I hope you might consider my skill- I specialize in teaching people how to create unlimited, qualified prospects with people that you know but, my greatest skill, is teaching people how to create the most efficient systems to bring qualified prospects TO YOU in the COLD market.

I’m not selling you systems or leads. That is NOT the same thing as qualified prospects. Finally, I’m not even asking for a sale- I provide ongoing, live training….for FREE.

Maybe you’ll take a look;

You can also see my videos on YouTube.

I’ve been in the industry over 40 years. I’ve generated over $80mil in the last 20 years and, I’ve helped dozens of people generate seven figures a year in direct sales.

I may not tell ya what ya want to hear but, I’ll always tell ya the truth


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