MLM Reps- Before You Buy Another Tool Or Widget To Grow Your Business...Find Out The Secret Tool Your Upline Used To Get To The Top.
Next year is right around the corner- are you prepared and positioned for explosive growth? And how do you know for sure?
Oh, don't start telling me about your comp plan, company, leaders, etc...
That thought process, what you have around you, above you and with you is NOT how your upline got to the top of the comp plan. Your upline got to the top because they used the most secret, most powerful tool in this industry and you probably won't be able to use the same tool.
I'll tell you about that top secret, most powerful tool in the business that your upline used to get to the top in a minute- for now, humor me and read this top to bottom.
It just might save you from having to explain yourself a year from now.
Sorry, if you've read or followed my articles here, I'm not much for mincing words...and those words are the truth- less than 1% of you reading this article right now will do what needs to be done. Period.
And I accept your skepticism, but it's not my mouth you need to be skeptical about...and I don't have to prove it to you either- your company is required by Federal Law to provide you access to their income disclosure statement. Go read it, now works- I'll wait.
Did you see the stats? Less than 1% make it to the top and less than 6% make $50k a year or more. Fact. So, what are you going to do about it?
"Think And Grow Rich"?, attitude, mindset, team calls, meetings...I love it, people that tell me they've got it all figured out and they're gonna show me...their upline does blah, blah, blah....I always circle back a year or so later and you know how that conversation goes? Something like this;
Hi X, I spoke with ya about a year ago and you told me you're gonna kill it with your XYZ business and how your team, company, comp plan, told me that you were going to make it big. Did ya?
Well, not exactly says X. I actually decided that XYZ wasn't for me, I moved on. (This is the saving face statement for- "I got my butt handed to me, I'm pissed and embarrassed and I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of telling me you told me so). I understand, ego is more precious to most than their bank account.
But, I'm hoping your skepticism that I can help you, for your benefit not mine, I'm hoping that sign of intelligence allows you to sit down for a minute and continue reading...because in a minute, I'll reveal the most incredible, top secret tool every top earner has ever used to get to the top and how, without that tool, you are guaranteed to fail.
But, in doing so, and being such a great positive thinker myself- I'll share with you how having this knowledge now, making an adjustment in your techniques and knowing the real truth can allow you to finish next ANY company you want- making a 6 figure income, at least.
This top secret tool is NOT a tool your upline can share with you- they can show it to you, they can let you use it a bit, but this secret tool is only good for ONE anyone else, it just won't work for anyone else because it's a custom tool, a tool for that person only. Fact.
Think about this for just a minute- what makes your company, comp, product or service different? Seriously. Can you name one MLM company that doesn't have people at the top making a ton of money?
Nope- every rep at the top of any established MLM company is making tons of obviously no matter how much we talk about what we each have as being such a great opportunity, obviously we must not be paying toa close attention if the success you and I seek is being duplicated in every single successful company, right?
That's because we're not seeing this incredible tool, as a tool and how it's being used and why everyone at the top is able to use it, how and why we can't seem to get our hands on it. Damn the madness, right?
Just a few more babbling paragraphs and I'll identify that crazy, magic tool. Go ahead, skip the garble and go buy any tool you want out there...hey look, there's another traffic company offering you incredible traffic that will explode your MLM- go ahead, buy it. Good luck with that...but maybe, since I got ya this far, maybe just a couple more paragraphs might...
The tool I'm talking about is FREE, save your money. this tool has made more money in the MLM business than any other tool on the fact, without this tool, there isn't enough money on your credit card or in your bank account to make it happen. I guarantee it, but don't take my word for it...I'll follow up with ya in a year and see where you're at...start making your excuses now, it's ok.
I understand...the 'I' ego is the greatest anti-growth tool in this business.
The reason the tool I'm going to share works for anyone, in any MLM, is because this tool is completely adaptable- it's the only tool of its' kind and it's why your company and upline keep it so secret. I don't blame them, and you shouldn't either. They want you to succeed, it's in their best interest too, but they can't give you the tool even if they wanted to- there is only one place to get it.
Success is not exclusive to your company or any one company in MLM because this tool cannot be used by only one person- and the tool works with every single company in this business. Worse, no one and no company can monopolize it...and don't think they haven't tried.
They'll tell ya to use this widget or that widget or..."Man, have you seen the magic flippy chart thingy that's sweeping the MLM business, it's...."
Yeah, that's it- the automated mobile device app that so and so developed, it completely changed the way...blah, blah, nope- these are not the tools your upline used- at least not the single most powerful, top secret tool...
That tool, the #1 tool in the MLM business is....wait for it.
YOU! YOU are a TOOL!
In fact, you are the only tool that will get you to the top- PERIOD.
And that's why I know, in a year, when you're reading my articles again....if you haven't made it to the top it will only be because you spent money trying to overcome YOU or in spite of YOU or because YOU wanted to figure out a way to get it done without- YOU.
You're a tool and you should be proud of being called a tool, not insulted. YOU need to understand that tool, how to use it and why it's the only way to the top because if you don't, I guarantee you won't get to the top of your comp matter what company or product you keep changing to...or by staying put where you're at- period.
Every single person who has made it to the top- they got there using this tool- no, not you- THEM. They got there because they learned the skill to do it, they learned how to become a leader and they learned how to communicate that leadership and built a team.
Right now, if you've been in this industry for more than 30 days and you're not making money or if you've been in the business for more than 6 months and you're not making $50k or better- it's because instead of you using the tool, you're being a TOOL- and that, 'being a tool' instead of using the tool should be...embarrassing, not insulting.
You can fix it, but you better hurry...because if you don't, starting right now- next year, around this same time...well, you figure out the excuse, any will do.
If you're tired of 'being' a tool and you want to know how to use this tool- like you're upline is doing, I invite you to check out what I might be able to show you about using this tool instead of 'being' a tool.
Come to class- live, it's free. I'll teach you, why?
Honestly, because I care about the small downline you might create before you quit...because for years, I was that downline- listening to my upline until they quit...or until they figured it out and rose to the top and I was still wandering around at the bottom- feeling lost, again.
YOU are the ONLY tool that will make the difference...and I can and will, show you how to use that tool, for FREE- because I care.
Bring your skepticism and check out a 3.1 Step System that has been created that will allow you to add over 40 people, every single week into your MLM programs and how you can use this system and the greatest tool you'll ever have- YOU
We look forward to meeting you, investing in you.
We won't always tell ya what ya want to hear, but We'll always tell ya the truth.