MLM Reps- 4 Words More Powerful Than Your 'Why' And How To Use Them To...
There are many reasons I'm sure that motivated you to start a home-based business. And, with success, that business will grow well beyond the confines of your home. If you stay focused on the why, and don't be afraid to be selfish.
Wait, don't shake your head. The most critical motivation for a business, in my opinion, is service to others. The reason for the existence of your business is to provide others with something they need, want or desire. In fact, the greatest success comes from providing your clients with more than they expected in cost value. In MLM or Network Marketing, my favorite way to see this executed is to help people in building their business below you more than they expected that you would...or could, and then helping them do the same for others. And if you really want to see something amazing, help people marketing your same product or service that you receive no compensation for their success in any way.
Serving others is the most significant factor in business growth, period.
But, serving others may not be entirely what drives you and not only is that ok, it's downright healthy. In my opinion, the 4 most powerful words in any home-based business are;
"I Told You So."
It's ok. In fact it's incredibly healthy and self gratifying. It's ok to be vain, selfish, egotistical, cocky and even a bit immature. You earned it. Say whatever you will, but being able to look in your minds eye at all those people who probably told you why you couldn't or wouldn't be able to make it in your own be able to look them square and say, "I told you so", is incredibly powerful and I highly recommend it.
Note that I said, "In your minds eye." The point isn't to rub it in anyone's face, although you might lose your better self for a moment and do so. It's simply to pat yourself on the back, while thinking of exactly who you'd wish could see you do it. And, sometimes that's face to face, but that's not the point nor do you need that for closure if you will.
But having that, "I told you so" in the back of your mind is one of the strongest motivating emotions you can ever have...and it's healthy, honest and completely acceptable. In fact, you should be commended for it. Why?
Because you'll need it. You'll need it when you're working a full-time job, shuffling the kids, being a spouse, parent, friend, teacher and amateur counselor...all while trying to grow this crazy home-based business everyone says won't work.
You'll need it when everyone else appears to be moving ahead in the game of life with their employee benefits packages, 401ks and more. You'll need it when they get to move into bigger houses and drive bigger cars than you and when they tell you all about their company vacation they just got back from.
You'll need it to put the baseball bat back in the bag for your sons little league team (do it now before someone gets an eye poked out). You'll need it when your spouse tells you there is no way all the bills are going to get paid if you're gonna keep spending money on products, meetings, leads and stuff just to grow your, "Little Hobby"....don't do it, breathe. You'll need it.
Someday, someday soon if you bust your butt beyond what you think your butt can handle you'll be able to say, "I told you so." And when that day comes, you won't even have to say it. They'll know it. Every single one of them. And it will be sweet. It will taste like the most refreshing ice cream cone on the hottest summer day.
Dream of that day, you won't be alone...
This one kid, tall, somewhat a head on her shoulders but not a rocket scientist, had a hereditary condition that prevented her from doing many things...she dreamed of saying it. She did ok in school, but she really wanted to to play basketball. She was okay at it (when her disability did not get in the way) but her condition prevented her from doing it, wasn't picked first on any teams, in fact she was often the token player some team had to take because she was the only one left. She imagined herself saying it then, I guarantee it. She had been playing the sport of her dreams every day for years by then...she kept seeing herself say it, "I told you so."
Some 30 years later she got that chance, not only in person, but publicly. She grabbed the chance with both hands...but reserved a bit of class in the process. She said it, but with grace and dignity. It was no longer about vindication, those days were well behind her. It was simply a smile like no one else's, a look...but a look and a smile the entire world understood, "I told you so."
You see, this debilitating 'disability' she had to live with, you could not see from the outside. She would get dizzy spells like none other and they would come from no where. There was no rhyme or reason for them. Teachers, classmates, neighbors, relatives thought they were put on because she did not want to do something. "She was too lazy." "She wanted attention." "She will NEVER amount to anything."
This girl knew someday she was going to prove something big!
I like to think, when people question your drive, your motivation, your ability, even when it's the people you love the most...I like to think that maybe they are simply trying to help you say it too. Maybe they know someday you'd be able to have your moment of pie in the face. Maybe they're hoping by then you'll understand that it isn't so much about actually being able to say the words out loud, embarrass anyone or saying the words in spite. Maybe they know that by telling you you can't or won't...maybe they actually know they're giving you the best gift they ever could. Maybe they do know....and maybe they can't wait to hear you say them...words. "I told you so."
I guarantee you, this young lady (a bit older now) would be nodding her head and she is not alone. Not even close. For Michael Jordan and Herschel Walker, saying those words, "I told you so", whether they did so aloud or only in their minds eye was not about rubbing anyone's nose it.
It was simply acknowledging the 4 most powerful words they have ever known, knowing them before they could use them, but seeing the day....when the whole world was watching and nothing but a look and a smile was needed to say, "I told you so."
And silently, the whole world listened. And so it is with you and will be...if you simply hold fast to that vision in your mind of the day when you could rub it in, make a scene or more...but instead, you simple give a look and a smile.
"I told you so."
If you're wanting to work with someone who truly understands the value of these words- someone who is driven to help you more than any upline you've ever had, I'd welcome the opportunity. You may have a program you think is going to get you there and this may not be the traditional way you've been presented a business before, but I challenge you to take a look at what I might be able to do for you- with you.
Yes, you may have to make a few changes for us to do business together, but I guarantee it will be the greatest investment you will ever make- in both new technology and in yourself. You will need to have some money, you'll need 5-10 hours a week to start, and you'll have to bring a professional level of discipline to the table, but in return- I would offer you a partnership you have never experienced, a partnership that lives well beyond the product, service or company we market together- a partnership that is based in the relationship of becoming a master of marketing, not captive dependency.
If that type of freedom interests you, please call a 24/7 recorded audio at 773.509.2932 to see if this partnership I am offering you may be right for you!
Written by Gino Niccoli and Leslie Wingert
Evolving Expert in Behavioral Marketing
8 年the people at the top make the millions...I have done 5 and I have internet market friends who create sales funnels, sign people up and move on after 1-2 years....It is not empty it is fact. BTW- which company did you do in the 30 years of doing them that you are still doing today? I would be curious to know.
Evolving Expert in Behavioral Marketing
8 年MLM's do not work. When you are invested in your partners to infinity at 100% volume, not only does it work, but there is a synergy like no other. I welcome a healthy discussion.
Network Marketing Pro
8 年Thank You!!! Gino Niccoli and Lesley Wingert And A Special Thank You !!! To Brandy Tribble