MLK's Words of Wisdom - Believe in Your Own Dignity, Your Own Worth, Your Own Somebody-ness

MLK's Words of Wisdom - Believe in Your Own Dignity, Your Own Worth, Your Own Somebody-ness

Though I'm working today, I wanted to take time to hear the voice of Martin Luther King, Jr. and in gratitude celebrate how far we've come as a country. We aren't where we should be yet, but the sacrifices and work of individuals like Mr. King counted and have made it possible for someone like me, an Asian American, to have access to opportunities that my parents and grandparents never had.

I came across a speech of his I hadn't heard before around building your life's blue print (find it here, Martin Luther King, Jr., "What Is Your Life's Blueprint?" - YouTube ) , and his words of wisdom are as applicable now as they ever were - it starts with how you value yourself:

"Number one in your life's blueprint should be a belief in your own dignity, your own worth and your own somebody-ness - always feel that you count, that you have worth, and that your life has ultimate significance - that means you should not be ashamed of your color!"

When you're out there applying for new roles and exploring opportunities, don't ever doubt that you are valuable. Don't undersell your skills, your experience, and your inherent worth. Find opportunities that inspire you, that build on your strengths. In the meantime, I'll be working with our team to open more doors & to expand opportunities to more and more people in this country that have worth, have value, and have significance!

Peter Brooks

VP, Talent Acquisition & Mobility @ General Dynamics | Talent Acquisition Expert

2 年


michael stroup

Technical Director

2 年

FREE AT LAST... FREE AT LAST... THANK GOD ALMIGHTY FREE AT LAST! I have stood right exactly where he gave this speech!

Josh Peek

Sr. Technical Recruiting Sourcer | Army Veteran -- Anduril Industries

2 年

Thank you for sharing Veronica Weatherspoon !!



