A mixed bag of goodies for the reader

A mixed bag of goodies for the reader

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We have come to love the variety in our cove. As we prepared for a December 2020 release of Tabitha – The Great Ancestral Division, reading the thriller during dark winter nights gave us the chills. The tea gardens of Assam, the haunted house, the mysterious girl in the bungalow kept us alert at nights. Some of us who were into proof reading the book experienced the presence of Tabita in the garden. One of us saw her in the room when the lights went off and this one with the most delicate heart felt her standing behind her many a times. Though we wrapped up Tabita by Christmas, she wasn’t ready to let go. As she watched us leave the haunted house, she whispered –“I will find you soon.” Should we wait for the Part 2 of Tabitha? Kuber Raj Bordoloi, can you answer this for us!

Scattered Radiations by Dr Ajith Kumar is a remarkable series of experiences warmly weaved into enriching anecdotes. Debates and discussions were common during its publishing period. Dr Ajith has touched upon topics like Gods and dynasties, Aryan invasions, religious freedom and work ethics to name a few. At the cove, each one of us had diverse view points on the same topics. In the end, the writer takes the prime seat and drives away with the book which reflects his thoughts and mind games.

Between Freedom and Unfreedom: The Press in Independent India is not easy reading. There is tons of information for a reader to grasp. It is learning the history of the Press, travelling through its ups and downs from the time of independence till now. It is accepting the limitations created by circumstances and envisioning a resurgence or reinvention of Press where it will act as an instrument to further the cause of democracy. Dr Krishna Ananth, our esteemed author holds the roots to the tree of knowledge, making the branches stronger thus guiding the younger generation through gripping analysis and convincing details. An alumni of JNU, an ex-influencer at The Hindu and Asian College of Journalism, Chennai and currently a prevalent teacher at Sikkim University, V Krishna Ananth is our afternoon star and our guiding road to the lighthouse.

Pashupathi 1934, our first attempt at a three-act play, navigates through the rough seas of life and reaches the unknown shores of learning in the most beautiful way. Two stories run parallel in Aakash Narasipure’s historical fiction, the story of a family from Mysore and the series of debates which happen between two celebrated minds of India – Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore. Honestly, we were even more intrigued by the author’s passion for dance and dance forms. Aakash Narasipure is a renowned Bharata Natyam dancer and an academician.

Currently, we are looking forward to the release of Democracy in Sikkim: An Untold Chronicle in March 2021. It is a powerful narrative by E K Santha, analysing the political history of Sikkim before its merger with the Indian Union in 1975. Dr Santha is a keen observer on issues pertaining to environment and development. Reading the manuscript opened up many unseen paths of the political history of Sikkim. Even before its release the book has taken a front seat amongst non-fiction readers. It’s a long wait till March to hold the book in hand and compartmentalize the struggles and sacrifices of the people of the state in order to uphold the democracy.

As 2021 begins on a colourful note at The Alcove, with Anthologies like March Mayhem introducing many aspiring writers into the world of books and literature, we move ahead as passionately as ever to give more opportunity to the writers and publish many books in the months to come. We are accepting manuscripts for fiction, non-fiction, self-help, memoirs and anthologies to name a few. Drop in at The Alcove [www.thealcovepublishers.com] and have a look at our proud possessions at The Alcove Book Shop.

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