Mittelweg 50 – An intimate space for therapy in Berlin.
Mittelweg 50 is a group practice for English-speaking psychology in Berlin with a team of international counsellors offering a diverse range of therapeutic approaches.
With the joining of Australian psychologist Christina Hofmann-Broussard and American counsellor Chrystal Nelthropp, the group practice in Neuk?lln now covers psychological treatment not only for individuals and couples, but also for adolescents transitioning through difficult times. Jakob Lusensky one of the two founders and an analyst working at the space explains:
"The field of psychology has a long history of conflicts between different schools of psychotherapy, over what constitutes mental disorder and how one most effectively treats it. With Mittelweg we wanted to transcend such old categories and show that different psychoanalysts, CBT therapists and mindfulness-oriented counsellors can work under one roof, and at the same time enrich each others practices."
When Jakob together with co-founder Johanne Schwensen, a Danish clinical psychologist, were searching for a practice that could help them fulfill their dream of a clinical, confidential, and intimate space with room for a diverse team of counsellors with a shared vision of balancing different approaches, they suddenly came across a beautiful space on the telling address Mittelweg 50. Johanne explains:
“Contemporary research show that the most important factor for a successful therapy is not which specific technique a therapist offers but the therapeutic alliance, that is, the rapport and emotional connection between client and counsellor. At Mittelweg we wanted to put this insight into practical use by offering a variety of personalities and therapeutic approaches and hereby increase the likelihood of a good therapy match.”
Since opening on the second floor of Mittelweg 50 in autumn last year, many people are already on a weekly basis meeting with one of Mittelweg’s today ten counsellors covering eight nationalities. Still, it’s early days and the Mittelweg team will continue to gradually explore other intimate formats such as book clubs and support group and the balancing of opposites – continuing to walk the middle-way.
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Johanne Schwensen is a Danish clinical psychologist with training in narrative therapy as well as CBT. In her clinical work she helps people be their own compassionate therapists, through psychoeducation and through supporting the person in “re-authoring” his or her experience and identity to include sufficient commitment and resistance to life’s problems.
Jakob Lusensky is a Jungian psychoanalyst and Heilpraktiker for Psychotherapy working in private practice since five years. His clinical work is steeped in the tradition of Jungian analysis and highlights active listening and dreamwork.